How can I convert a spring data Sort to a querydsl OrderSpecifier?

You can do somethings like this: But make sure to trim the o.getProperty() so you only pass the property and not "alias."+property

if (pageable != null) {
    for (Sort.Order o : pageable.getSort()) {
        PathBuilder<Object> orderByExpression = new PathBuilder<Object>(Object.class, "object");

        query.orderBy(new OrderSpecifier(o.isAscending() ? com.mysema.query.types.Order.ASC
                : com.mysema.query.types.Order.DESC, orderByExpression.get(o.getProperty())));

I don't know if it is still relevant but there is an implementation in the spring data jpa for doing the conversion between a data.domain.Sort (Spring JPA) Object to an OrderSpecifier (QueryDSL).

GIT Source of Querydsl Support in Spring JPA

It is really ugly implementation but you could still reuse it for your own purpose as the method is private:

public JPQLQuery applySorting(Sort sort, JPQLQuery query)

But if you use Spring data JPA, in your custom Repository implementation, you just need to do:

public Page<MyObject> findAll(Predicate predicate, Pageable pageable) {

    QMyObject myObject = QMyObject.myObject;
    JPQLQuery jPQLQuery = from(myObject)
    jPQLQuery = getQuerydsl().applyPagination(pageable, jPQLQuery);
    List<MyObject> myObjectList = jPQLQuery.list(myObject);
    long count =  jPQLQuery.count();
    Page<MyObject> myObjectPage = new PageImpl<MyObject>(myObjectList, pageable, count);
    return myObjectPage;  

Hope it could help!