How can I determine the SelectedValue of a RadioButtonList in JavaScript?

Try this to get the selected value from the RadioButtonList.

var selectedvalue = $('#<%= yourRadioButtonList.ClientID %> input:checked').val()

RadioButtonList is an ASP.NET server control. This renders HTML to the browser that includes the radio button you are trying to manipulate using JavaScript.

I'd recommend using something like the IE Developer Toolbar (if you prefer Internet Explorer) or Firebug (if you prefer FireFox) to inspect the HTML output and find the ID of the radio button you want to manipulate in JavaScript.

Then you can use document.getElementByID("radioButtonID").checked from JavaScript to find out whether the radio button is selected or not.

I always View Source. You will find each radio button item to have a unique id you can work with and iterate through them to figure out which one is Checked.

Edit: found an example. I have a radio button list rbSearch. This is in an ascx called ReportFilter. In View Source I see


So you can either loop through document.getElementById("ReportFilter1_rbSearch_" + idx ) or have a switch statement, and see which one has .checked = true.

ASP.NET renders a table and a bunch of other mark-up around the actual radio inputs. The following should work:-

 var list = document.getElementById("radios"); //Client ID of the radiolist
 var inputs = list.getElementsByTagName("input");
 var selected;
 for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
      if (inputs[i].checked) {
          selected = inputs[i];
  if (selected) {