How can I disable the eclipse server startup timeout?

Just another data point. If you see in your Console "Server startup in NNN ms", but the Server view still shows that it is trying to start, and then times out eventually killing the server, it might be that you have no plain HTTP connector configured. For example, if you have only a 2-way SSL connector configured in your Tomcat, it will start fine with the scripts in "TOMCAT_HOME/bin", but if you try to start it with the Eclipse Server view, it won't be able to open a connection to the HTTP port, and will terminate when it hits the timeout. (This was with a fairly old STS 2.1.0. Don't know if it's fixed in later versions)


enter image description here In Eclipse Indigo, you can edit the default timeout by double-clicking on the server in the "servers" view and changing the timeout for start (see graphic). Save your changes, and you're good to go!

  1. On the EclipseIDE, double click on the server
  2. Admin panel opens up, click on the "Timeouts" tab
  3. Put larger value in the "Start (in seconds)", may be 1800
  4. Restart/Start the server

If everything is okay, the server should start.