How can I draw a graph like the diagram below?
In fact the code of Fallum is almost complete. It is sufficient to precise the size, to useintersectionpoint
instead of IP
and at last to use xpart
pair dynkinMark(real x, real y, string s = "", pen p = defaultpen, pair B = dir(45)) {
if (s != "") { dot("$"+s+"$", (x,y), B, p); }
else { dot((x,y), p); }
return (x,y);
dynkinMark(0,1, "1", dir(135));
dynkinMark(0,2, "2", dir(135));
dynkinMark(0,3, "3", dir(135));
dynkinMark(0,4, "4", dir(135));
dynkinMark(7,1, "1'");
dynkinMark(7,2, "2'");
dynkinMark(7,3, "3'");
dynkinMark(7,4, "4'");
path p1 = (0,1)..(2,2.0)..(5,3.5)..(7,4);
path p2 = (0,2)..(2,1.2)..(5,2.5)..(7,3);
path p3 = (0,3)..(2,2.8)..(5,1.5)..(7,1);
path p4 = (0,4)..(2,3.8)..(5,3.5)..(7,2);
draw(p1, blue);
draw(p2, heavycyan);
draw(p3, mediumcyan);
draw(p4, lightblue);
dot("$12$", intersectionpoint(p1, p2), dir(90), heavygreen);
dot("$13$", intersectionpoint(p1, p3), dir(90), heavygreen);
dot("$23$", intersectionpoint(p2, p3), dir(90), heavygreen);
dot("$14$", intersectionpoint(p1, p4), dir(90), heavygreen);
dot("$24$", intersectionpoint(p2, p4), dir(90), heavygreen);
real y = 0.8;
label("$s_1$", (xpart(intersectionpoint(p1,p2)), y), heavygreen);
label("$s_2$", (xpart(intersectionpoint(p1,p3)), y), heavygreen);
label("$s_1$", (xpart(intersectionpoint(p2,p3)), y), heavygreen);
label("$s_3$", (xpart(intersectionpoint(p1,p4)), y), heavygreen);
label("$s_2$", (xpart(intersectionpoint(p2,p4)), y), heavygreen);
and the result
\node[fill=black, draw,circle] (a1) at (-7.5,-3.5) {};
\node[fill=black, draw,circle] (a2) at (-7.5,-1) {};
\node[fill=black, draw,circle] (a3) at (-7.5,1) {};
\node[fill=black, draw,circle] (a4) at (-7.5,3) {};
\node[fill=black, draw,circle] (b1) at (7.5,-3.5) {};
\node[fill=black, draw,circle] (b2) at (7.5,-1) {};
\node[fill=black, draw,circle] (b3) at (7.5,1) {};
\node[fill=black, draw,circle] (b4) at (7.5,3) {};
\draw[name path=a1b4] ( .. controls (2.8,3.4) and (-3,-1.2) .. (;
\draw[name path=a2b3] ( .. controls (2.1,0.9) and (-2.3,-5.8) .. (;
\draw[name path=a3b1] ( .. controls (3.9,-3.4) and (-2.6,1.5) .. (;
\draw[name path=a4b2] ( .. controls (4.1,3.3) and (-0.3,2.3) .. (;
\path [name intersections={of=a4b2 and a1b4, by=ab14}];
\draw (ab14) node[fill=black, draw,circle,inner sep=3pt,] {}node[above=4pt]{$14$};
Use color=purple
inside \draw[]
to colorize the path. Draw other intersection points yourself.
A variation and completing of the @C.F.G. answer (+1):
\documentclass[tikz, margin=6pt]{standalone}
arr/.style = {draw=#1, very thick},
dot/.style = {circle, fill=#1, outer sep=0pt},
dot/.default = black,
\foreach \y [count=\i] in {-3.5,-1,1,3}
\node[dot, label=left: \i] (a\i) at (-7.5,\y) {};
\node[dot, label=right:\i'] (b\i) at ( 7.5,\y) {};
\draw[arr=blue, name path=A] (b4) .. controls (2.8, 3.4) and (-3,-1.2) .. (a1);
\draw[arr=teal, name path=B] (b3) .. controls (2.1, 0.9) and (-2.3,-5.8) .. (a2);
\draw[arr=teal!50, name path=C] (b1) .. controls (3.9,-3.4) and (-2.6,1.5) .. (a3);
\draw[arr=blue!50, name path=D] (b2) .. controls (4.1, 3.3) and (-0.3,2.3) .. (a4);
\path [name intersections={of=A and D, by=n14}]
node (s3) [dot=green,label=14] at (n14) {};
\path [name intersections={of=A and B, by=n13}]
node (s2) [dot=green,label=13] at (n13) {};
\path [name intersections={of=A and C, by=n12}]
node (s1)[dot=green,label=12] at (n12) {};
\path [name intersections={of=B and C, by=n23}]
node[dot=green,label=23] at (n23) {};
\path [name intersections={of=B and D, by=n24}]
node[dot=green,label=23] at (n23) {};
\node [below] at (a1 -| n12) {$s_1$};
\node [below] at (a1 -| n13) {$s_2$};
\node [below] at (a1 -| n14) {$s_1$};
\node [below] at (a1 -| n23) {$s_3$};
\node [below] at (a1 -| n24) {$s_2$};