How can I draw edge bundles with TikZ?
Here is a proposal that uses a decoration for the quadruple lines and the execute at begin to
option to draw separate paths.
\documentclass[tikz, border=3.14mm]{standalone}
\def\bundlesep{2pt}% distance between parallel edges
\def\bundleY{1.8*\bundlesep}% x and y radius of ellipse
\state{initial}[width=0pt,next state=final] {
\state{initial}[width=0pt,next state=final] {
arc/.style = { x radius = \bundleX, y radius = \bundleY,
start angle = 90, delta angle = 180},
decomark/.style = {double=black,white,double distance=0.8pt, yshift = \bundleY, -, shorten <=-0.1pt},% arc style
edge bundle/.style n args={2}{execute at begin to={
\path[decorate, decoration = {markings,
mark=at position 0.5 with {\draw[decomark] (0,-\bundleY) circle({\bundleX} and \bundleY);
}}] (\tikztostart)--(\tikztotarget);
\draw[#1] (\tikztostart)--(\tikztotarget);
\draw[#2] (\tikztostart)--(\tikztotarget);
\path[decorate, decoration = {markings,
mark=at position 0.5 with {\draw[decomark] (0,0)
arc [arc];}}] (\tikztostart)--(\tikztotarget);}},
quad/.style={edge bundle={white,line width=2.5*\bundlesep}{decorate,decoration=quadlines}},
single/.style={edge bundle={white,line width=1.6pt}{black,line width=.8pt}},
bundle/.style={edge bundle={white,line
\draw [bundle] (0,0) to (3,0);
\draw [single] (0,-0.5) to (3,-0.5);
\draw [quad] (0,-1) to (3,-1);
\draw [bundle] (4,0) to (7,-2);
\draw [quad] (5,-2) to (8,0);
OLD ANSWER (to be removed if the new answer is closer to what you want.)
\documentclass[tikz, border=3.14mm]{standalone}
\def\bundlesep{2pt}% distance between parallel edges
\def\bundleY{1.8*\bundlesep}% x and y radius of ellipse
\state{initial}[width=0pt,next state=final] {
arc/.style = { x radius = \bundleX, y radius = \bundleY,
start angle = 90, delta angle = 180},
arrow/.style = {{Bar[white, width = \bundlesep,length=0pt]}-{Bar[white,
width = \bundlesep, length = 0pt]}},% just a workaround fixing `double` bug
decomark/.style = {black, thick, yshift = \bundleY, -, shorten <=-0.1pt},% arc style
ellipse/.style = {
preaction = {decorate, decoration = {markings,
mark = at position 0.5 with {\draw[decomark, shorten >=-0.1pt] (0,0)
arc [arc, delta angle = -180];}}},
postaction = {decorate, decoration = {markings,
mark=at position 0.5 with {\draw[decomark] (0,0)
arc [arc];}}}},% consisting of 2 arcs
bundle/.style = {double, line width = 0.5pt, double distance = \bundlesep,
arrow, ellipse},
single/.style = {white, double = black, line width = 0.4pt,
double distance = 0.8pt, arrow, ellipse},
quad/.style={execute at begin to={
\path[decorate, decoration = {markings,
mark=at position 0.5 with {\draw[decomark] (0,-\bundleY) circle({\bundleX} and \bundleY);
\draw[white,line width=2.5*\bundlesep] (0,0) -- (1.3*\bundleX,0);}}] (\tikztostart)--(\tikztotarget);
\draw[decorate,decoration=quadlines] (\tikztostart)--(\tikztotarget);
\path[decorate, decoration = {markings,
mark=at position 0.5 with {\draw[decomark] (0,0)
arc [arc];}}] (\tikztostart)--(\tikztotarget);}},
\draw [bundle] (0,0) -- (3,0);
\draw [single] (0,-0.5) -- (3,-0.5);
\draw [quad] (0,-1) to (3,-1);
You can "stack" actions, so have a post action in a post action in a post action ... and so on. For some reason unknown to me, a double line as postaction to a double line produces not the desired result, but a way to wide line with wrong proportions. But one can stack post actions to draw lines alternating in black and white to achieve the look of four lines. As I kept doing something wrong with your nested definitions, I just copied everything into a draw command, I hope you'll be able to sort it out (Sorry!). I added two variantions for computing the line widths, absolute and relative.
\documentclass[tikz, border=2pt]{standalone}
[ line width=\FirstBlack,
{ draw, white, line width=\FirstWhite,
{ draw, black, line width=\SecondBlack,
{ draw, white, line width=\SecondWhite
{ decorate,
{ markings, mark=at position 0.5 with
{ \draw[ black, thick, yshift = \LoopY, -, shorten <=-0.1pt, shorten >=-0.1pt]
(0,0) arc
[ x radius = \LoopX, y radius = \LoopY,
start angle = 90, delta angle = 180, delta angle = -180];}}},
{ decorate,
{ markings, mark=at position 0.5 with
{ \draw[ black, thick, yshift = \LoopY, -, shorten <=-0.1pt, shorten >=-0.1pt]
(0,0) arc
[ x radius = \LoopX, y radius = \LoopY,
start angle = 90, delta angle = 180];}}}
(0,1) --(5,1);
\node[right] {\FirstBlack, \FirstWhite, \SecondBlack, \SecondWhite};
Edit 1: For a white outline one can simply add another line (here the \ZerothWhite
). One can also apply a post action to the arcs, so therefore they can also have a white outline:
\documentclass[tikz, border=2pt]{standalone}
[ line width=\FirstBlack,
{ draw, white, line width=\FirstWhite,
{ draw, black, line width=\SecondBlack,
{ draw, white, line width=\SecondWhite
{ draw, white, line width=\ZerothWhite,
{ decorate,
{ markings, mark=at position 0.5 with
{ \draw[ black, line width=\LoopWidth, yshift = \LoopY, -, shorten <=-0.1pt, shorten >=-0.1pt]
(0,0) arc
[ x radius = \LoopX, y radius = \LoopY, start angle = 90, delta angle = 180,
delta angle = -180];
{ decorate,
{ markings, mark=at position 0.5 with
{ \draw[ white, line width=\LoopWhite, yshift = \LoopY, -, shorten <=-0.1pt, shorten >=-0.1pt,
postaction={draw, black, line width=\LoopWidth}
(0,0) arc
[ x radius = \LoopX, y radius = \LoopY, start angle = 90, delta angle = 180
(0,1) --(5,1);
\node[right] {\FirstBlack, \FirstWhite, \SecondBlack, \SecondWhite};