How can I efficiently determine if an IEnumerable has more than one element?

@Cameron-S's solution is simpler but below is more efficient. I came up with this based on Enumerable.Count() method. Skip() will always iterate and not short-circuit to get source's count for ICollection or ICollection<T> type.

/// <summary>
/// Returns true if source has at least <paramref name="count"/> elements efficiently.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Based on int Enumerable.Count() method.</remarks>
public static bool HasCountOfAtLeast<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, int count)
    var collection = source as ICollection<TSource>;
    if (collection != null)
        return collection.Count >= count;
    var collection2 = source as ICollection;
    if (collection2 != null)
        return collection2.Count >= count;
    int num = 0;
        using (var enumerator = source.GetEnumerator())
            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                if (num >= count)
                    return true;
    // returns true for source with 0 elements and count 0
    return num == count;

For the fun of it, call Next() twice, then get another IEnumerable.

Or, write a small wrapper class for this specific goal: EnumerablePrefetcher : IEnumerable<T> to try and fetch the specified amount of items upon initialization.

Its IEnumerable<T> GetItems() method should use yield return in this fashion

foreach (T item in prefetchedItems) // array of T, prefetched and decided if IEnumerable has at least n elements
  yield return item;
foreach (T item in otherItems) // IEnumerable<T>
  yield return item;

You can test this in many ways by combining the extension methods in System.Linq... Two simple examples are below:

bool twoOrMore = enumerable.Skip(1).Any();
bool twoOrMoreOther = enumerable.Take(2).Count() == 2;

I prefer the first one since a common way to check whether Count() >= 1 is with Any() and therefore I find it more readable.



