How can I efficiently "remap" an image?

Straightforward method without interpolation, takes 0.1s but it feels like there is lots of room for improvement. I used the definition with dst_pixel so the orientation is different from result in question.

I don't know of a quick way to have Extract or Part return a default value for indices that are out of range so I ended up using Compile instead:

cImageRemap = 
  Compile[{{data, _Real, 3}, {pxMap, _Integer, 2}, {pyMap, _Integer, 2}},
     nx, ny, nc,
     indx, indy
    {nx, ny, nc} = Dimensions[data];
    newdata = Table[0., {nx}, {ny}, {nc}];
     indx = pxMap[[ix, iy]];
     indy = pyMap[[ix, iy]];
     If[1 <= indx <= nx && 1 <= indy <= ny,
      newdata[[ix, iy]] = data[[indx, indy]]
     , {ix, nx}, {iy, ny}];

ImageRemap[img_Image, pxMap_?(MatrixQ[#, IntegerQ] &), pyMap_?(MatrixQ[#, IntegerQ] &)] /; 
  Dimensions[pxMap] == Dimensions[pyMap] == ImageDimensions[img] :=
 Image@cImageRemap[ImageData@img, pxMap, pyMap]

img = ExampleData[{"TestImage", "Lena"}];
mapX = Table[i + j, {i, #1}, {j, #2}] & @@ ImageDimensions[img];
mapY = Table[i - j, {i, #1}, {j, #2}] & @@ ImageDimensions[img];
Timing[ImageRemap[img, mapX, mapY];]
(* 0.1s *)

Edit: With CompilationTarget->"C" it takes 0.03s

Perhaps something like this may do. Convert the mapX and mapY arrays to a 1D list of index values corresponding to position in the flattened image data. A 1D list of positions can be used very quickly with Part, and the 2D image reconstructed using Partition

imagemap[img_, mapX_, mapY_] := Module[{a, b, mx, my, id, pix},
  {a, b} = ImageDimensions[img];
  mx = Clip[mapX, {1, a}];
  my = Clip[mapY, {1, b}];
  id = Flatten[ImageData[img], 1];
  pix = Flatten[Transpose[(my - 1) a + mx]];
  Image@Partition[id[[pix]], Length[mx]]]

First, here's an image from the docs which we'll use for testing:

img = Import[""]


Going with the definition given in the IPP docs, here is a remapping method based on the use of ImageValue[]:

Options[ImageRemap] = {Padding -> 0, Resampling -> "Bilinear"}; 
ImageRemap[img_Image, xm_?MatrixQ, ym_?MatrixQ, opts : OptionsPattern[]] /; 
Reverse[ImageDimensions[img]] == Dimensions[xm] == Dimensions[ym] :=
        Module[{h, w}, {w, h} = ImageDimensions[img];
                                          Flatten[Transpose[{ym, h - xm} - 1/2,
                                                            {3, 1, 2}], 1], 
                                          DataRange -> Full, opts,
                                          Options[ImageRemap]], w]]]

I don't know if there is a better way of doing this, but this implementation at least inherits the Padding and Resampling options of ImageValue[], which may be needed for some mapping applications.

Let's try it out:

{w, h} = ImageDimensions[img];
mx = Array[Plus, {h, w}]; my = Array[BitXor, {h, w}];
ImageRemap[img, mx, my, Padding -> GrayLevel[3/4], Resampling -> "Lanczos"]

jellyfish after remapping