How can i encrypt and decrypt my Cookies in ASP.NET

I had to change LGSon's answer slightly so it worked for me.

Convert.ToBase64String(MachineKey.Protect(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("your cookie value")))

Encoding.UTF8.GetString(MachineKey.Unprotect(Convert.FromBase64String("your cookie value")))

You can use MachineKey.Protect/MachineKey.Unprotect

This sample code also uses Base64 conversion to avoid getting unexpected error for invalid characters in the cookie value.

MachineKey.Protect(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(cookieValue), "a token").FromBytesToBase64();

Encoding.UTF8.GetString(MachineKey.Unprotect(Request.Cookies(cookieName).Value.FromBase64ToBytes, "a token"));


Note: The above methods is extension methods to overcome null exceptions

public string FromBytesToBase64(this byte[] b)
    return b == null ? "" :  Convert.ToBase64String(b);

public byte[] FromBase64ToBytes(this string s)
    return s == null ? null : Convert.FromBase64String(s);