How can I establish a bijection between a tree and its traversal?
You were on the right track with your listSplit
lemma. You can use that function to learn whether the target element is on the left or right side of a Tree. In the Agda standard library listSplit
is called ++⁻
This is the relevant line from my implementation
with ++⁻ (inorder l) x∈t
Here's the complete implementation. I've included it as an external link to avoid unwanted spoilers and also to take advantage of Agda's wonderful HTML hyperlinked, syntax highlighted output. You can click through to see the types and definitions of any of the supporting lemmas.
I wrote inorderToFro
and inorderFroTo
and the associated lemmas in Idris. Here's the link.
There are a couple of points I can make about your solution (without going much into details):
First, splitMiddle
isn't really necessary. If you use a more general Right p = listSplit xs ys loc -> elemAppend xs ys p = loc
type for splitRight
, then that can cover the same ground.
Second, you could use more with
patterns instead of explicit _lem
functions; I think it would be clearer and more succinct as well.
Third, you do considerable work proving splitLeft
and co. Often it makes sense to move the properties of a function inside the function. So, instead of writing listSplit
and the proofs about its result separately, we can modify listSplit
to return the needed proofs. This is often simpler to implement. In my solution I used the following types:
data SplitRes : (x : a) -> (xs, ys : List a) -> (e : Elem x (xs ++ ys)) -> Type where
SLeft : (e' : Elem x xs) -> e' ++^ ys = e -> SplitRes x xs ys e
SRight : (e' : Elem x ys) -> xs ^++ e' = e -> SplitRes x xs ys e
listSplit : (xs, ys : List a) -> (e : Elem x (xs ++ ys)) -> SplitRes x xs ys e
I could have also used Either (e' : Elem x xs ** (e' ++^ ys = e)) (e' : Elem x ys ** (xs ^++ e' = e))
instead of SplitRes
. However, I ran into problems with Either
. It seems to me that higher-order unification in Idris is just too wobbly; I couldn't comprehend why my unsplitLeft
function wouldn't typecheck with Either
. SplitRes
doesn't contain functions in its type, so I guess that's why it works more smoothly.
In general, at this time I recommend Agda over Idris for writing proofs like this. It checks much faster and it's much more robust and convenient. I'm quite amazed you managed to write so much Idris here and for the other question about tree traversals.
I was able to work out how to prove that it's possible to go from a tree location to a list location and back from reading the types of the lemmas referenced in glguy's answer. Eventually, I managed to go the other way too, although the code (below) is fairly horrible. Fortunately, I was able to reuse the terrifying list lemmas to prove the corresponding theorem about preorder traversals as well.
module PreIn
import Data.List
%default total
data Tree : Type -> Type where
Tip : Tree a
Node : (l : Tree a) -> (v : a) -> (r : Tree a) -> Tree a
%name Tree t, u
data InTree : a -> Tree a -> Type where
AtRoot : x `InTree` (Node l x r)
OnLeft : x `InTree` l -> x `InTree` (Node l v r)
OnRight : x `InTree` r -> x `InTree` (Node l v r)
onLeftInjective : OnLeft p = OnLeft q -> p = q
onLeftInjective Refl = Refl
onRightInjective : OnRight p = OnRight q -> p = q
onRightInjective Refl = Refl
noDups : Tree a -> Type
noDups t = (x : a) -> (here, there : x `InTree` t) -> here = there
noDupsList : List a -> Type
noDupsList xs = (x : a) -> (here, there : x `Elem` xs) -> here = there
inorder : Tree a -> List a
inorder Tip = []
inorder (Node l v r) = inorder l ++ [v] ++ inorder r
rotateInorder : (ll : Tree a) ->
(vl : a) ->
(rl : Tree a) ->
(v : a) ->
(r : Tree a) ->
inorder (Node (Node ll vl rl) v r) = inorder (Node ll vl (Node rl v r))
rotateInorder ll vl rl v r =
rewrite appendAssociative (vl :: inorder rl) [v] (inorder r)
in rewrite sym $ appendAssociative (inorder rl) [v] (inorder r)
in rewrite appendAssociative (inorder ll) (vl :: inorder rl) (v :: inorder r)
in Refl
instance Uninhabited (Here = There y) where
uninhabited Refl impossible
instance Uninhabited (x `InTree` Tip) where
uninhabited AtRoot impossible
elemAppend : {x : a} -> (ys,xs : List a) -> x `Elem` xs -> x `Elem` (ys ++ xs)
elemAppend [] xs xInxs = xInxs
elemAppend (y :: ys) xs xInxs = There (elemAppend ys xs xInxs)
appendElem : {x : a} -> (xs,ys : List a) -> x `Elem` xs -> x `Elem` (xs ++ ys)
appendElem (x :: zs) ys Here = Here
appendElem (y :: zs) ys (There pr) = There (appendElem zs ys pr)
tThenInorder : {x : a} -> (t : Tree a) -> x `InTree` t -> x `Elem` inorder t
tThenInorder (Node l x r) AtRoot = elemAppend _ _ Here
tThenInorder (Node l v r) (OnLeft pr) = appendElem _ _ (tThenInorder _ pr)
tThenInorder (Node l v r) (OnRight pr) = elemAppend _ _ (There (tThenInorder _ pr))
listSplit_lem : (x,z : a) -> (xs,ys:List a) -> Either (x `Elem` xs) (x `Elem` ys)
-> Either (x `Elem` (z :: xs)) (x `Elem` ys)
listSplit_lem x z xs ys (Left prf) = Left (There prf)
listSplit_lem x z xs ys (Right prf) = Right prf
listSplit : {x : a} -> (xs,ys : List a) -> x `Elem` (xs ++ ys) -> Either (x `Elem` xs) (x `Elem` ys)
listSplit [] ys xelem = Right xelem
listSplit (z :: xs) ys Here = Left Here
listSplit {x} (z :: xs) ys (There pr) = listSplit_lem x z xs ys (listSplit xs ys pr)
inorderThenT : {x : a} -> (t : Tree a) -> x `Elem` inorder t -> InTree x t
inorderThenT Tip xInL = absurd xInL
inorderThenT {x} (Node l v r) xInL = inorderThenT_lem x l v r xInL (listSplit (inorder l) (v :: inorder r) xInL)
inorderThenT_lem : (x : a) ->
(l : Tree a) -> (v : a) -> (r : Tree a) ->
x `Elem` inorder (Node l v r) ->
Either (x `Elem` inorder l) (x `Elem` (v :: inorder r)) ->
InTree x (Node l v r)
inorderThenT_lem x l v r xInL (Left locl) = OnLeft (inorderThenT l locl)
inorderThenT_lem x l x r xInL (Right Here) = AtRoot
inorderThenT_lem x l v r xInL (Right (There locr)) = OnRight (inorderThenT r locr)
unsplitRight : {x : a} -> (e : x `Elem` ys) -> listSplit xs ys (elemAppend xs ys e) = Right e
unsplitRight {xs = []} e = Refl
unsplitRight {xs = (x :: xs)} e = rewrite unsplitRight {xs} e in Refl
unsplitLeft : {x : a} -> (e : x `Elem` xs) -> listSplit xs ys (appendElem xs ys e) = Left e
unsplitLeft {xs = []} Here impossible
unsplitLeft {xs = (x :: xs)} Here = Refl
unsplitLeft {xs = (x :: xs)} {ys} (There pr) =
rewrite unsplitLeft {xs} {ys} pr in Refl
splitLeft_lem1 : (Left (There w) = listSplit_lem x y xs ys (listSplit xs ys z)) ->
(Left w = listSplit xs ys z)
splitLeft_lem1 {w} {xs} {ys} {z} prf with (listSplit xs ys z)
splitLeft_lem1 {w} Refl | (Left w) = Refl
splitLeft_lem1 {w} Refl | (Right s) impossible
splitLeft_lem2 : Left Here = listSplit_lem x x xs ys (listSplit xs ys z) -> Void
splitLeft_lem2 {x} {xs} {ys} {z} prf with (listSplit xs ys z)
splitLeft_lem2 {x = x} {xs = xs} {ys = ys} {z = z} Refl | (Left y) impossible
splitLeft_lem2 {x = x} {xs = xs} {ys = ys} {z = z} Refl | (Right y) impossible
splitLeft : {x : a} -> (xs,ys : List a) ->
(loc : x `Elem` (xs ++ ys)) ->
Left e = listSplit {x} xs ys loc ->
appendElem {x} xs ys e = loc
splitLeft {e} [] ys loc prf = absurd e
splitLeft (x :: xs) ys Here prf = rewrite leftInjective prf in Refl
splitLeft {e = Here} (x :: xs) ys (There z) prf = absurd (splitLeft_lem2 prf)
splitLeft {e = (There w)} (y :: xs) ys (There z) prf =
cong $ splitLeft xs ys z (splitLeft_lem1 prf)
splitMiddle_lem3 : Right Here = listSplit_lem y x xs (y :: ys) (listSplit xs (y :: ys) z) ->
Right Here = listSplit xs (y :: ys) z
splitMiddle_lem3 {y} {x} {xs} {ys} {z} prf with (listSplit xs (y :: ys) z)
splitMiddle_lem3 {y = y} {x = x} {xs = xs} {ys = ys} {z = z} Refl | (Left w) impossible
splitMiddle_lem3 {y = y} {x = x} {xs = xs} {ys = ys} {z = z} prf | (Right w) =
cong $ rightInjective prf -- This funny dance strips the Rights off and then puts them
-- back on so as to change type.
splitMiddle_lem2 : Right Here = listSplit xs (y :: ys) pl ->
elemAppend xs (y :: ys) Here = pl
splitMiddle_lem2 {xs} {y} {ys} {pl} prf with (listSplit xs (y :: ys) pl) proof prpr
splitMiddle_lem2 {xs = xs} {y = y} {ys = ys} {pl = pl} Refl | (Left loc) impossible
splitMiddle_lem2 {xs = []} {y = y} {ys = ys} {pl = pl} Refl | (Right Here) = rightInjective prpr
splitMiddle_lem2 {xs = (x :: xs)} {y = x} {ys = ys} {pl = Here} prf | (Right Here) = (\Refl impossible) prpr
splitMiddle_lem2 {xs = (x :: xs)} {y = y} {ys = ys} {pl = (There z)} prf | (Right Here) =
cong $ splitMiddle_lem2 {xs} {y} {ys} {pl = z} (splitMiddle_lem3 prpr)
splitMiddle_lem1 : Right Here = listSplit_lem y x xs (y :: ys) (listSplit xs (y :: ys) pl) ->
elemAppend xs (y :: ys) Here = pl
splitMiddle_lem1 {y} {x} {xs} {ys} {pl} prf with (listSplit xs (y :: ys) pl) proof prpr
splitMiddle_lem1 {y = y} {x = x} {xs = xs} {ys = ys} {pl = pl} Refl | (Left z) impossible
splitMiddle_lem1 {y = y} {x = x} {xs = xs} {ys = ys} {pl = pl} Refl | (Right Here) = splitMiddle_lem2 prpr
splitMiddle : Right Here = listSplit xs (y::ys) loc ->
elemAppend xs (y::ys) Here = loc
splitMiddle {xs = []} prf = rightInjective prf
splitMiddle {xs = (x :: xs)} {loc = Here} Refl impossible
splitMiddle {xs = (x :: xs)} {loc = (There y)} prf = cong $ splitMiddle_lem1 prf
splitRight_lem1 : Right (There pl) = listSplit (q :: xs) (y :: ys) (There z) ->
Right (There pl) = listSplit xs (y :: ys) z
splitRight_lem1 {xs} {ys} {y} {z} prf with (listSplit xs (y :: ys) z)
splitRight_lem1 {xs = xs} {ys = ys} {y = y} {z = z} Refl | (Left x) impossible
splitRight_lem1 {xs = xs} {ys = ys} {y = y} {z = z} prf | (Right x) =
cong $ rightInjective prf -- Type dance: take the Right off and put it back on.
splitRight : Right (There pl) = listSplit xs (y :: ys) loc ->
elemAppend xs (y :: ys) (There pl) = loc
splitRight {pl = pl} {xs = []} {y = y} {ys = ys} {loc = loc} prf = rightInjective prf
splitRight {pl = pl} {xs = (x :: xs)} {y = y} {ys = ys} {loc = Here} Refl impossible
splitRight {pl = pl} {xs = (x :: xs)} {y = y} {ys = ys} {loc = (There z)} prf =
let rec = splitRight {pl} {xs} {y} {ys} {loc = z} in cong $ rec (splitRight_lem1 prf)
-- tThenInorder is a bijection from ways to find a particular element in a tree
-- and ways to find that element in its inorder traversal. `inorderToFro`
-- and `inorderFroTo` together demonstrate this by showing that `inorderThenT` is
-- its inverse.
||| `tThenInorder t` is a retraction of `inorderThenT t`
inorderFroTo : {x : a} -> (t : Tree a) -> (loc : x `Elem` inorder t) -> tThenInorder t (inorderThenT t loc) = loc
inorderFroTo Tip loc = absurd loc
inorderFroTo (Node l v r) loc with (listSplit (inorder l) (v :: inorder r) loc) proof prf
inorderFroTo (Node l v r) loc | (Left here) =
rewrite inorderFroTo l here in splitLeft _ _ loc prf
inorderFroTo (Node l v r) loc | (Right Here) = splitMiddle prf
inorderFroTo (Node l v r) loc | (Right (There x)) =
rewrite inorderFroTo r x in splitRight prf
||| `inorderThenT t` is a retraction of `tThenInorder t`
inorderToFro : {x : a} -> (t : Tree a) -> (loc : x `InTree` t) -> inorderThenT t (tThenInorder t loc) = loc
inorderToFro (Node l v r) (OnLeft xInL) =
rewrite unsplitLeft {ys = v :: inorder r} (tThenInorder l xInL)
in cong $ inorderToFro _ xInL
inorderToFro (Node l x r) AtRoot =
rewrite unsplitRight {x} {xs = inorder l} {ys = x :: inorder r} (tThenInorder (Node Tip x r) AtRoot)
in Refl
inorderToFro {x} (Node l v r) (OnRight xInR) =
rewrite unsplitRight {x} {xs = inorder l} {ys = v :: inorder r} (tThenInorder (Node Tip v r) (OnRight xInR))
in cong $ inorderToFro _ xInR