How can I execute array of promises in sequential order?

If you already have them in an array then they are already executing. If you have a promise then it's already executing. This is not a concern of promises (I.E they are not like C# Tasks in that regard with .Start() method). .all doesn't execute anything it just returns a promise.

If you have an array of promise returning functions:

var tasks = [fn1, fn2, fn3...];

tasks.reduce(function(cur, next) {
    return cur.then(next);
}, RSVP.resolve()).then(function() {
    //all executed

Or values:

var idsToDelete = [1,2,3];

idsToDelete.reduce(function(cur, next) {
    return cur.then(function() {
        return"/delete.php?id=" + next);
}, RSVP.resolve()).then(function() {
    //all executed

Yet another approach is to define a global sequence function on the Promise prototype.

Promise.prototype.sequence = async (promiseFns) => {
  for (let promiseFn of promiseFns) {
    await promiseFn();

Then you can use it anywhere, just like Promise.all()


const timeout = async ms => new Promise(resolve =>
  setTimeout(() => {
    console.log("done", ms);
  }, ms)

// Executed one after the other
await Promise.sequence([() => timeout(1000), () => timeout(500)]);
// done: 1000
// done: 500

// Executed in parallel
await Promise.all([timeout(1000), timeout(500)]);
// done: 500
// done: 1000

Disclaimer: Be careful editing Prototypes!

ES7 way in 2017.

  var funcs = [
    _ => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(_ => resolve("1"), 1000)),
    _ => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(_ => resolve("2"), 1000)),
    _ => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(_ => resolve("3"), 1000)),
    _ => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(_ => resolve("4"), 1000)),
    _ => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(_ => resolve("5"), 1000)),
    _ => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(_ => resolve("6"), 1000)),
    _ => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(_ => resolve("7"), 1000))
  async function runPromisesInSequence(promises) {
    for (let promise of promises) {
      console.log(await promise());
  <button onClick="runPromisesInSequence(funcs)">Do the thing</button>

This will execute the given functions sequentially(one by one), not in parallel. The parameter promises is an array of functions, which return Promise.

Plunker example with the above code:

With ECMAScript 2017 async functions it would be done like this:

async function executeSequentially() {
    const tasks = [fn1, fn2, fn3]

    for (const fn of tasks) {
        await fn();

You can use BabelJS to use async functions now