How can I export an Adobe Connect recording as a video?
I wrote this Python script to export an Adobe Connect recording as a video:
- python 2.7 or 3
- wget, unzip, and ffmpeg accessible from command line.
python --output_filename=" Understanding how the Network impacts your service"
Please email Franck Dernoncourt <> if you improve this code.
import shlex
import subprocess
import os
import glob
import argparse
import sys
import re
def run_command(command):
print('running command: {0}'.format(command))
process = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
while True:
output = process.stdout.readline()
if output == b'' and process.poll() is not None:
print('Done running the command.')
if output:
rc = process.poll()
return rc
def create_folder_if_not_exists(directory):
Create the folder if it doesn't exist already.
if not os.path.exists(directory):
def extract_connect_id(parser, args):
Function written by Aaron Hertzmann
# ----- extract the connectID or ZIP file -----
if len(args.URLorIDorZIP) < 1:
# print('Error: No Connect recording URL provided.')
if args.URLorIDorZIP[0][-4:].lower() == '.zip':
sourceZIP = args.URLorIDorZIP[0]
connectID = os.path.basename(sourceZIP[:-4])
elif len(args.URLorIDorZIP[0]) == 12:
connectID = args.URLorIDorZIP[0]
s = args.URLorIDorZIP[0].split('/')
connectID = None
for i in range(len(s)-1):
if '' in s[i]:
connectID = s[i+1]
if connectID == None:
print("Error: couldn't parse URL")
return connectID
def main():
This is the main function
# ================ parse the arguments (part of the parsing code was written by Aaron Hertzmann) ======================
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Download an Adobe Connect recording and convert to a video file.')
parser.add_argument('URLorIDorZIP', nargs='*', help='URL, code, or ZIP file for the Connect recording')
parser.add_argument('--output_folder',default='output_videos',help='Folder for output files')
parser.add_argument('--output_filename',default='noname', help='output_filename')
args = parser.parse_args()
#main_output_folder = "all_videos"
main_output_folder = args.output_folder
output_filename = args.output_filename
output_filename = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]','', output_filename)
output_filename = output_filename.replace('@', '').strip()
print('output_filename: {0}'.format(output_filename))
connect_id = 'pul1pgdvpr87'
connect_id = 'p6vwxp2d0c2f'
connect_id = extract_connect_id(parser, args)
video_filename = 'hello'
video_filename = output_filename
# ================ Download video ======================
output_folder = connect_id
output_zip_filename = '{0}.zip'.format(connect_id)
# Step 1: retrieve audio and video files
connect_zip_url = '{0}/output/{0}.zip?download=zip'.format(connect_id)
wget_command = 'wget -nc -O {1} {0}'.format(connect_zip_url, output_zip_filename) # -nc, --no-clobber: skip downloads that would download to existing files.
unzip_command = 'unzip -n {0} -d {1}'.format(output_zip_filename, output_folder) # -n: Unzip only newer files.
# Step 2: create final video output
cameraVoip_filepaths = []
for filepaths in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(output_folder, 'cameraVoip_*.flv'))):
print('cameraVoip_filepaths: {0}'.format(cameraVoip_filepaths))
screenshare_filepaths = []
for filepaths in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(output_folder, 'screenshare_*.flv'))):
part = 0
output_filepaths = []
for cameraVoip_filepath, screenshare_filepath in zip(cameraVoip_filepaths, screenshare_filepaths):
output_filepath = os.path.join(main_output_folder, '{0}_{1:04d}.flv'.format(video_filename, part))
#output_filepath = '{0}_{1:04d}.flv'.format(video_filename, part)
# ffmpeg command from Oliver Wang / Yannick Hold-Geoffroy / Aaron Hertzmann
conversion_command = 'ffmpeg -i "%s" -i "%s" -c copy -map 0:a:0 -map 1:v:0 -shortest -y "%s"'%(cameraVoip_filepath, screenshare_filepath, output_filepath)
# -y: override output file if exists
part += 1
# Concatenate all videos into one single video
video_list_filename = 'video_list.txt'
video_list_file = open(video_list_filename, 'w')
for output_filepath in output_filepaths:
video_list_file.write("file '{0}'\n".format(output_filepath))
final_output_filepath = '{0}.flv'.format(video_filename)
# ffmpeg command from Oliver Wang / Yannick Hold-Geoffroy / Aaron Hertzmann
conversion_command = 'ffmpeg -safe 0 -y -f concat -i "{1}" -c copy "{0}"'.format(final_output_filepath, video_list_filename)
if __name__ == "__main__":
main()'main()') # if you want to do some profiling
Explanation on how the script works:
Assume that the Adobe Connect ID is p6vwxp2d0c2f, i.e. the URL is You can add /output/
at the end of the URL to download some zip archive containing a bunch of audio and video files as well as some .xml files. E.g., could contain:
Directory of C:\Users\[...]\p6vwxp2d0c2f
02/09/2019 11:27 AM <DIR> .
02/09/2019 11:27 AM <DIR> ..
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 52,239,473 cameraVoip_1_11.flv
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 1,364,573 cameraVoip_1_11.xml
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 7,176,904 cameraVoip_1_15.flv
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 188,012 cameraVoip_1_15.xml
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 6,004 cameraVoip_1_3.flv
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 1,698 cameraVoip_1_3.xml
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 62,603,505 cameraVoip_1_7.flv
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 1,625,383 cameraVoip_1_7.xml
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 2,249 ftcontent1.flv
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 8,219 ftcontent1.xml
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 25,685 ftcontent13.flv
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 85,464 ftcontent13.xml
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 199,781 ftcontent5.flv
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 657,091 ftcontent5.xml
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 182,297 ftcontent9.flv
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 601,758 ftcontent9.xml
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 1,354 fttitle0.flv
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 3,272 fttitle0.xml
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 1,354 fttitle12.flv
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 3,298 fttitle12.xml
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 1,354 fttitle4.flv
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 3,290 fttitle4.xml
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 1,354 fttitle8.flv
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 3,298 fttitle8.xml
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 1,815,158 indexstream.flv
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 7,703,603 indexstream.xml
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 5,316,597 mainstream.flv
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 21,259,001 mainstream.xml
02/09/2019 11:00 AM 217,448,561 screenshare_2_10.flv
02/09/2019 11:01 AM 1,364,572 screenshare_2_10.xml
02/09/2019 11:01 AM 32,364,457 screenshare_2_14.flv
02/09/2019 11:01 AM 188,011 screenshare_2_14.xml
02/09/2019 11:01 AM 387,981 screenshare_2_2.flv
02/09/2019 11:01 AM 1,698 screenshare_2_2.xml
02/09/2019 11:01 AM 237,470,572 screenshare_2_6.flv
02/09/2019 11:01 AM 1,625,385 screenshare_2_6.xml
02/09/2019 11:01 AM 48 telephony-files.xml
02/09/2019 11:01 AM 691 transcriptstream.flv
02/09/2019 11:01 AM 2,391 transcriptstream.xml
39 File(s) 653,935,396 bytes
2 Dir(s) 1,590,358,016 bytes free
- cameraVoip__.xml contains the audio + webcam if any.
- screenshare__.xml contains the audio + webcam if any.
To merge them, you can use ffmpeg
(I took the ffmpeg
commands from Oliver Wang / Yannick Hold-Geoffroy / Aaron Hertzmann):
ffmpeg -i cameraVoip_1_11.flv -i screenshare_2_10.flv -c copy -map 0:a:0 -map 1:v:0 -shortest output.flv
-map 0:a:0
: map the first input file to be used just for the audio.-map 1:v:0
: map the second input file to be used just for the video.-shortest
: cut the audio or video in case cameraVoip_1_11.flv and screenshare_2_10.flv don't have the same length.
If you want to keep the webcam video and place it in some corner of the video screen sharing:
ffmpeg -i cameraVoip_1_11.flv -i screenshare_2_10.flv \
-filter_complex \
"color=s=1072x480:c=black [base]; [0:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=640x480 [upperleft]; [1:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=432x240 [upperright]; [base][upperleft] overlay=shortest=1 [tmp1]; [tmp1][upperright] overlay=shortest=1:x=640" \
-c:v libx264 -c:a mp2 output.mkv
Regarding mapping the cameraVoip__.xml to the correct screenshare__.xml, in case there is more than one:
One could look at the cameraVoip__.xml / screenshare__.xml to get the timestamps of when the audio / screen share video began. This allows to map the screenshare__.xml with the correct cameraVoip__.xml.
E.g., in, from cameraVoip_1_11.xml, line 21:
<String><![CDATA[Thu Feb 07 21:11:23 2019]]></String>
Otherwise, another way could be to sort cameraVoip__.xml / screenshare__.xml, then map the first cameraVoip__.xml with the first screenshare__.xml, the second cameraVoip__.xml with the first screenshare__.xml, etc. I don't know if it'd break in some cases (seems to be ok for the couple of Adobe Connect recordings I looked at but perhaps that's because people always share screens).
- Log into your Adobe Connect account
- Click on Meetings > My Meetings
- Click on the link for the recording
- Click the “Recordings” link (right-side of screen)
- Click the link in the “Name” column
- Copy the “URL for Viewing” – Example,
- Paste it into a new browser tab then add the following to the end of the URL:
- Your URL should look similar to this example,