How can I fight the gods?

As a beginner to the game, I found the easiest class to play for farming gods was a Priest.

It sounds a bit odd, but priests use the longest range main weapon in the game (wands), and they can heal themselves. So you can just sit back and shoot gods off the screen. When you take some damage, pop your heal spell.

In addition to that, Priests have great natural speed, so avoiding damage is easier than with a slower character.

Necromancer is also a good class for fighting gods. They can heal themselves by draining health from enemies and have good range and damage. They are a very forgiving class to play and probably your best bet for surviving in the godlands.

Also try to avoid as many bullets as possible, gods deal a lot more damage than the usual enemies. Even with maximized defense they are still dangerous. You can take a couple of hits as a level 10

To be honest, to fight Gods, you're going to need to play a long-ranged character, and get better at the game. Know how to use your abilities optimally, avoid bullets, and get better gear.