How can I find the current language in a Laravel view?
BenjaminRH's answer is very good, and his suggested approach works perfectly. I've improved the snippet a bit. Now it detects the browser language and checks if that language is supported according to the application's config file.
It's a quick hack, but it works on my app. Note that the application language is also set now. Feel free to use ore improve it.
Route::filter('before', function()
// current uri language ($lang_uri)
$lang_uri = URI::segment(1);
// Set default session language if none is set
// use lang in uri, if provided
if(in_array($lang_uri, Config::get('application.languages')))
$lang = $lang_uri;
// detect browser language
$headerlang = substr(Request::server('http_accept_language'), 0, 2);
if(in_array($headerlang, Config::get('application.languages')))
// browser lang is supported, use it
$lang = $headerlang;
// use default application lang
$lang = Config::get('application.language');
// no lang in uri nor in browser. use default
// use default application lang
$lang = Config::get('application.language');
// set application language for that user
Session::put('language', $lang);
Config::set('application.language', $lang);
// session is available
// set application to session lang
Config::set('application.language', Session::get('language'));
// prefix is missing? add it
if(!in_array($lang_uri, Config::get('application.languages')))
return Redirect::to(URI::current());
// a valid prefix is there, but not the correct lang? change app lang
elseif(in_array($lang_uri, Config::get('application.languages')) AND $lang_uri != Config::get('application.language'))
Session::put('language', $lang_uri);
Config::set('application.language', $lang_uri);
In the newer Laravel versions, you can get the current language with:
The cleanest way to know the current language of your website in Laravel appears to be :
It's different than this command that will return the default language of your website :
An alternative, a bit shorter way could be using something like this:
The advantage of this is that IDEs such as PHPStorm recognize this function and can help you develop much faster.