How can I generalize the arity of rxjava2 Zip function (from Single/Observable) to n Nullable arguments without lose its types?

A function with eleven parameters is a good example for unclean code. Instead you should consider to build a model to serve your needs. Like this you can provide meaningful names for each argument as well.

data class MyObject(...)

class MyMutableObject {
    private lateinit var param0: String
    private var param1: Int

    fun setParam0(value: String) {
        param0 = value
    fun setParam1(value: Int) {
        param1 = value

    fun toMyObject() = MyObject(

Having this model you could just use the zipWith() operator on each of your sources.

      .zipWith(source0, MyMutableObject::setParam0)
      .zipWith(source1, MyMutableObject::setParam1)

If you consider to abstract the nullability as a Maybe, you could simply define an extension function receiving a Maybe with data or without data and map it appropriately.

inline fun <T, U, R> Single<T>.zipWith(
        other: MaybeSource<U>,
        crossinline zipper: (T, U) -> R
) = other.zipWith(toMaybe()) { t, u -> zipper(t, u) }