How can I generate a random sample of bin counts given a sequence of bin probabilities?

You can convert your PDF to a CDF by taking the cumsum, use this to define a set of bins between 0 and 1, then use these bins to compute the histogram of an N-long random uniform vector:

cdf = np.cumsum([0, 0.02, 0.08, 0.16, 0.29, 0.45])     # leftmost bin edge = 0
counts, edges = np.histogram(np.random.rand(100), bins=cdf)

# [ 4,  8, 16, 30, 42]

You can use np.bincount for a binning operation alongwith np.searchsorted to perform the equivalent of roll < dcs operation. Here's an implementation to fulfill these promises -

bins = np.bincount(np.searchsorted(dcs,np.random.rand(N),'right'))

Runtime test using given parameters -

In [72]: %%timeit
    ...: for roll in np.random.rand(N):
    ...:     # grab the first index that the roll satisfies
    ...:     i = np.where(roll < dcs)[0][0]  
    ...:     bins[i] += 1
1000 loops, best of 3: 721 µs per loop

In [73]: %%timeit
    ...: np.bincount(np.searchsorted(dcs,np.random.rand(N),'right'))
100000 loops, best of 3: 13.5 µs per loop