How can I get a Spring bean in a servlet filter?


UsersConnectionRepository bean = 

Where usersConnectionRepository is a name/id of your bean in the application context. Or even better:

UsersConnectionRepository bean = WebApplicationContextUtils.

Also have a look at GenericFilterBean and its subclasses.

Spring have a utility just for this.

In your Filter code, override the init method like this:

public void init(FilterConfig cfg) { 

Then you just @Inject your beans to that filter, same way as any other bean you would inject.

private UsersConnectionRepository repository;

There are three ways:

  1. Use WebApplicationContextUtils:

    public void init(FilterConfig cfg) { 
        ApplicationContext ctx = WebApplicationContextUtils
        this.bean = ctx.getBean(YourBeanType.class);
  2. Using the DelegatingFilterProxy - you map that filter, and declare your filter as bean. The delegating proxy will then invoke all beans that implement the Filter interface.

  3. Use @Configurable on your filter. I would prefer one of the other two options though. (This option uses aspectj weaving)