How can I get a String from HID device in Python with evdev?

VooDooNOFX's code was hugely helpful and kicked me in the right direction. I wanted to answer my own question to add clarity for anyone else trying to interface a Honeywell MS7580 or similar optical scanner with keyboard emulation with python on linux.

This project was done using a BeagleBone Black where I had only command line access and thus could not just use the scanner as a regular keyboard. In order to process the shifts properly I had to add a second group of scancodes for when the shift button was depressed. Here is my final code for reading a string from a QR code:

import evdev
from evdev import InputDevice, categorize, ecodes  
dev = InputDevice('/dev/input/event1')

# Provided as an example taken from my own keyboard attached to a Centos 6 box:
scancodes = {
    # Scancode: ASCIICode
    0: None, 1: u'ESC', 2: u'1', 3: u'2', 4: u'3', 5: u'4', 6: u'5', 7: u'6', 8: u'7', 9: u'8',
    10: u'9', 11: u'0', 12: u'-', 13: u'=', 14: u'BKSP', 15: u'TAB', 16: u'q', 17: u'w', 18: u'e', 19: u'r',
    20: u't', 21: u'y', 22: u'u', 23: u'i', 24: u'o', 25: u'p', 26: u'[', 27: u']', 28: u'CRLF', 29: u'LCTRL',
    30: u'a', 31: u's', 32: u'd', 33: u'f', 34: u'g', 35: u'h', 36: u'j', 37: u'k', 38: u'l', 39: u';',
    40: u'"', 41: u'`', 42: u'LSHFT', 43: u'\\', 44: u'z', 45: u'x', 46: u'c', 47: u'v', 48: u'b', 49: u'n',
    50: u'm', 51: u',', 52: u'.', 53: u'/', 54: u'RSHFT', 56: u'LALT', 57: u' ', 100: u'RALT'

capscodes = {
    0: None, 1: u'ESC', 2: u'!', 3: u'@', 4: u'#', 5: u'$', 6: u'%', 7: u'^', 8: u'&', 9: u'*',
    10: u'(', 11: u')', 12: u'_', 13: u'+', 14: u'BKSP', 15: u'TAB', 16: u'Q', 17: u'W', 18: u'E', 19: u'R',
    20: u'T', 21: u'Y', 22: u'U', 23: u'I', 24: u'O', 25: u'P', 26: u'{', 27: u'}', 28: u'CRLF', 29: u'LCTRL',
    30: u'A', 31: u'S', 32: u'D', 33: u'F', 34: u'G', 35: u'H', 36: u'J', 37: u'K', 38: u'L', 39: u':',
    40: u'\'', 41: u'~', 42: u'LSHFT', 43: u'|', 44: u'Z', 45: u'X', 46: u'C', 47: u'V', 48: u'B', 49: u'N',
    50: u'M', 51: u'<', 52: u'>', 53: u'?', 54: u'RSHFT', 56: u'LALT',  57: u' ', 100: u'RALT'
#setup vars
x = ''
caps = False

#grab provides exclusive access to the device

for event in dev.read_loop():
    if event.type == ecodes.EV_KEY:
        data = categorize(event)  # Save the event temporarily to introspect it
        if data.scancode == 42:
            if data.keystate == 1:
                caps = True
            if data.keystate == 0:
                caps = False
        if data.keystate == 1:  # Down events only
            if caps:
                key_lookup = u'{}'.format(capscodes.get(data.scancode)) or u'UNKNOWN:[{}]'.format(data.scancode)  # Lookup or return UNKNOWN:XX
                key_lookup = u'{}'.format(scancodes.get(data.scancode)) or u'UNKNOWN:[{}]'.format(data.scancode)  # Lookup or return UNKNOWN:XX
            if (data.scancode != 42) and (data.scancode != 28):
                x += key_lookup  
            if(data.scancode == 28):
                print x          # Print it all out!
                x = ''

Thanks so much to VooDoo for pointing me in the right direction with evdev.

There's a conversion step you're missing here. Your output is already in a pretty format, so i'll help you break it down a little more:

             Timestamp        , scancode, keycode, keystate
key event at 1383327570.147000, 2         (KEY_1), down
key event at 1383327570.147990, 2         (KEY_1), up

To make any useful sense of this, you need to do a couple of things:

  1. Only listen to key_down type events by filter only for keystate of a specific type (Down = 1, Up = 0)
  2. Convert the scancode into a ASCII code, which can vary by device and vary by how it's mapped to the system!

There's a simple-ish way to map them however. Generate a known barcode with all useable characters using an online service, then scan that barcode and map each scancode outputted to the correct letter/number for your scanner. You can use the following slightly modified piece of code to take better control of the output:

import evdev
from evdev import InputDevice, categorize  # import * is evil :)
dev = InputDevice('/dev/input/event1')

# Provided as an example taken from my own keyboard attached to a Centos 6 box:
scancodes = {
    # Scancode: ASCIICode
    0: None, 1: u'ESC', 2: u'1', 3: u'2', 4: u'3', 5: u'4', 6: u'5', 7: u'6', 8: u'7', 9: u'8',
    10: u'9', 11: u'0', 12: u'-', 13: u'=', 14: u'BKSP', 15: u'TAB', 16: u'Q', 17: u'W', 18: u'E', 19: u'R',
    20: u'T', 21: u'Y', 22: u'U', 23: u'I', 24: u'O', 25: u'P', 26: u'[', 27: u']', 28: u'CRLF', 29: u'LCTRL',
    30: u'A', 31: u'S', 32: u'D', 33: u'F', 34: u'G', 35: u'H', 36: u'J', 37: u'K', 38: u'L', 39: u';',
    40: u'"', 41: u'`', 42: u'LSHFT', 43: u'\\', 44: u'Z', 45: u'X', 46: u'C', 47: u'V', 48: u'B', 49: u'N',
    50: u'M', 51: u',', 52: u'.', 53: u'/', 54: u'RSHFT', 56: u'LALT', 100: u'RALT'
for event in dev.read_loop():
    if event.type == evdev.ecodes.EV_KEY:
        data = evdev.categorize(event)  # Save the event temporarily to introspect it
        if data.keystate == 1:  # Down events only
            key_lookup = scancodes.get(data.scancode) or u'UNKNOWN:{}'.format(data.scancode)  # Lookup or return UNKNOWN:XX
            print u'You Pressed the {} key!'.format(key_lookup)  # Print it all out!

Here's some sample output from this script for me

You Pressed the A key!
You Pressed the B key!
You Pressed the C key!
You Pressed the UNKNOWN:99 key!

Once you generate some barcodes online, you'll know which scancode gets mapped to which value! Build your own table and profit!


thanks a lot ,it really helpful. and here is the python3 version:

import evdev
from evdev import *
import time 
#dev =evdev.InputDevice('/dev/input/by-id/usb-SM_SM-2D_PRODUCT_HID_KBW_APP-000000000-event-kbd')
dev =evdev.InputDevice('/dev/input/event1')

# for event in dev.read_loop():
#     if event.type == ecodes.EV_KEY:
#         print(categorize(event))

scancodes = { 
    # Scancode: ASCIICode 
    0: None, 1: u'ESC', 2: u'1', 3: u'2', 4: u'3', 5: u'4', 6: u'5', 7: u'6', 8: u'7', 9: u'8', 
    10: u'9', 11: u'0', 12: u'-', 13: u'=', 14: u'BKSP', 15: u'TAB', 16: u'q', 17: u'w', 18: u'e', 19: u'r', 
    20: u't', 21: u'y', 22: u'u', 23: u'i', 24: u'o', 25: u'p', 26: u'[', 27: u']', 28: u'CRLF', 29: u'LCTRL', 
    30: u'a', 31: u's', 32: u'd', 33: u'f', 34: u'g', 35: u'h', 36: u'j', 37: u'k', 38: u'l', 39: u';', 
    40: u'"', 41: u'`', 42: u'LSHFT', 43: u'\\', 44: u'z', 45: u'x', 46: u'c', 47: u'v', 48: u'b', 49: u'n', 
    50: u'm', 51: u',', 52: u'.', 53: u'/', 54: u'RSHFT', 56: u'LALT', 57: u' ', 100: u'RALT' 

capscodes = { 
    0: None, 1: u'ESC', 2: u'!', 3: u'@', 4: u'#', 5: u'$', 6: u'%', 7: u'^', 8: u'&', 9: u'*', 
    10: u'(', 11: u')', 12: u'_', 13: u'+', 14: u'BKSP', 15: u'TAB', 16: u'Q', 17: u'W', 18: u'E', 19: u'R', 
    20: u'T', 21: u'Y', 22: u'U', 23: u'I', 24: u'O', 25: u'P', 26: u'{', 27: u'}', 28: u'CRLF', 29: u'LCTRL', 
    30: u'A', 31: u'S', 32: u'D', 33: u'F', 34: u'G', 35: u'H', 36: u'J', 37: u'K', 38: u'L', 39: u':', 
    40: u'\'', 41: u'~', 42: u'LSHFT', 43: u'|', 44: u'Z', 45: u'X', 46: u'C', 47: u'V', 48: u'B', 49: u'N', 
    50: u'M', 51: u'<', 52: u'>', 53: u'?', 54: u'RSHFT', 56: u'LALT', 57: u' ', 100: u'RALT' 
#setup vars 
x = '' 
caps = False 

#grab provides exclusive access to the device 

for event in dev.read_loop(): 
    if event.type == ecodes.EV_KEY: 
     data = categorize(event) # Save the event temporarily to introspect it 
     if data.scancode == 42: 
      if data.keystate == 1: 
       caps = True 
      if data.keystate == 0: 
       caps = False 
     if data.keystate == 1: # Down events only 
      if caps: 
       key_lookup = u'{}'.format(capscodes.get(data.scancode)) or u'UNKNOWN:[{}]'.format(data.scancode) # Lookup or return UNKNOWN:XX 
       key_lookup = u'{}'.format(scancodes.get(data.scancode)) or u'UNKNOWN:[{}]'.format(data.scancode) # Lookup or return UNKNOWN:XX 
      if (data.scancode != 42) and (data.scancode != 28): 
       x += key_lookup 
      if(data.scancode == 28): 
       print (x)   # Print it all out! 
       x = '' `enter code here`


