How can I get chromium-browser to run fullscreen (not kiosk) in 12.04?

For people finding this now, you can start Chromium fullscreen from the command line by executing:

chromium-browser --app= --start-fullscreen

Tested on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

What about using xdtool

xdotool key F11

this will work for any kind of standard focused window. Include it into start-up script.

don't have xdotool?

sudo apt-get install xdotool

in combination with --start-maximized (which does not do F11, just maximized window) on command line can fulfil your needs

shell script should make the job

chromium-browser --start-maximized
sleep 5
xdotool key F11

Firefox differs only in -fullscreen command line option. The option for F11 mode is missing as well. But consider to use Firefox and Rkiosk extension or the Fullscreen extension

If the script stucks at chromium-browser invocation - add a & at the end:

chromium-browser --start-maximized &

Based on this and other sources, you could try the following, with good chances of success :-)

cp /usr/share/applications/chromium-browser.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/chromium-browser.desktop
nano ~/.local/share/applications/chromium-browser.desktop 

(you may alternatively want to use gksu and the editor of your choosing)

Now, simply add -start-maximized to the line saying exec in chromium-browser.desktop, save and you're done.