How can I get full line of circle of this picture?
Run with xelatex
This happens because at the moment you are using reverseclip
the current bounding box
is not large enough to fit a circle with the line width you are going to draw. In your picture the perhaps simplest fix is to draw the labels before drawing the circle.
\documentclass[border=2 mm,12pt,tikz]{standalone}
\tikzset{reverseclip/.style={insert path={(current bounding box.south west)rectangle
(current bounding box.north east)} }}
\begin{tikzpicture}[tdplot_main_coords,line join = round, line cap = round]
% definitions
coordinate (O) at (0,0,0)
coordinate(A) at (\a,0,0)
coordinate (B) at (0,\a,0)
coordinate (C) at (-\a,0,0)
coordinate (D) at (0,-\a,0)
coordinate (S) at (0,0,\h)
\draw [thick] (S) -- (B) -- (C) -- cycle;
\draw [thick] (S) -- (C) -- (D) -- cycle;
(A) -- (B) (A) -- (C) (B) -- (D) (S)--(A) (A)--(D) (S)--(O);
\foreach \point/\position in {A/above,B/left,C/below,D/right,O/below,S/above}
\fill (\point) circle (1.8pt);
\node[\position=1.5pt] at (\point) {$\point$};
\path(O) circle ({\a});
\clip (S) -- (B) -- (C) -- (D) -- cycle [reverseclip];
\draw[very thick] (O) circle ({\a});
\clip (S) -- (B) -- (C) -- (D) -- cycle;
\draw[dashed] (O) circle ({\a});