How can I get GCC to optimize this bit-shifting instruction into a move?

In addition to Booboo's answer, you can try the following which answers your question

How can I get GCC to optimize this into a move?

Just cast each shifted bit-field expression to unsigned short

unsigned short from_half(half h)
    return (unsigned short)h.mantissa | (unsigned short)(h.exponent << 10) | (unsigned short)(h.sign << 15);

It results in:

        mov     eax, edi

Why isn't it optimized that way already?

I am not sure I have a solid answer on this one. Apparently the intermediate promotion of the bit-fields to int confuses the optimizer... But this is just a guess.

It's been a while since I have coded in C, but it seems the use of a union should work:

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>

static bool useUnion;

__attribute__ ((__constructor__)) // supported by gcc compiler
static void initUseUnion()
    union {
       uint16_t i;
       char c[2];
    } n = { 0x0001 };
    useUnion = n.c[0]; // little endian

typedef struct half
    unsigned short mantissa:10;
    unsigned short exponent:5;
    unsigned short sign:1;
} half;

typedef union half_short
    half h;
    uint16_t s;
} half_short;

unsigned short from_half(half h)
    if (useUnion) {
        half_short hs;
        hs.h = h;
        return hs.s;
    else {
        return h.mantissa | h.exponent << 10 | h.sign << 15;

half to_half(unsigned short s)
    if (useUnion) {
        half_short hs;
        hs.s = s;
        return hs.h;
    else {
        half result = { s, s >> 10, s >> 15 };
        return result;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    printf("%d\n", useUnion);
    return 0;