How can I get the arguments called in jest mock function?

I prefer lastCalledWith() over toHaveBeenCalledWith(). They are both the same but the former is shorter and help me reduce the cognitive load when reading code.

expect(mockedFn).lastCalledWith('arg1', 'arg2')

Just use mockObject.calls. In my case I used:

const call = mockUpload.mock.calls[0][0]

Here's the documentation about the mock property

You can use toHaveBeenCalledWith() together with expect.stringContaining or expect.arrayContaining() or expect.objectContaining()

const { host } = new URL(url);
expect(mockedFunction).toHaveBeenCalledWith("param1", expect.stringContaining(`http://${host}...`);

Here is a simple way to assert the parameter passed.
