How can I get the height of the baseline of a certain font?

Vanilla JS, no font info required tested on Chrome, Firefox and Edge :

function getBaselineHeight(el){
    let bottomY = el.getBoundingClientRect().bottom;//viewport pos of bottom of el
    let baselineLocator = document.createElement("img"); // needs to be an inline element without a baseline (so its bottom (not baseline) is used for alignment)
    el.appendChild(baselineLocator); = 'baseline' ; // aligns bottom of baselineLocator with baseline of el
    let baseLineY = baselineLocator.getBoundingClientRect().bottom;//viewport pos of baseline
    return (bottomY - baseLineY) ;        

function positionLine(){
    let line = document.getElementById("line");
    let lorem = document.getElementById("lorem");
    let baselineHeight = getBaselineHeight(lorem);
    let newLinePos = lorem.getBoundingClientRect().bottom - baselineHeight ; = newLinePos + "px" ;

    background-color: lightblue;
    left : 0 ;
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
        <span id="lorem">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit..</span>


        <button class="btn btn-primary" onclick="positionLine();">position line on baseline</button>


        <svg id="line">
            <line x1="0" y1="0" x2="100%" y2="0" style="stroke:rgb(255,0,0);stroke-width:1"></line>

Following the discovery by Alan Stearns ( that inline-block elements change the baseline alignment of other inline elements, I put together a demo which I found more accurate than, and actually more simple to derive a value in JavaScript: Hope it's useful.

  <span class="letter">T</span>
  <span class="strut"></span>
div {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  border: thin black solid;
.letter {
  font-size: 100px;
  line-height: 0px;
  background-color: #9BBCE3;
.strut {
  display: inline-block;
  height: 100px;

I made a tiny jQuery plugin for that. The principle is simple:

In a container, insert 2 inline elements with the same content but one styled very small . and the other very big A. Then, since there are vertical-align:baseline by default, the baseline is given as follow:

       ^ +----+ ^
       | | +-+| | top
height | |.|A|| v
       | | +-+| 
       v +----+

baseline = top / height

Here is the plugin in coffeescript (JS here):

$ = @jQuery ? require 'jQuery'

detectBaseline = (el = 'body') ->
  $container = $('<div style="visibility:hidden;"/>')
  $smallA    = $('<span style="font-size:0;">A</span>')
  $bigA      = $('<span style="font-size:999px;">A</span>')

  setTimeout (-> $container.remove()), 10

  $smallA.position().top / $bigA.height()

$.fn.baseline = ->

then, smoke it with:

// or whatever selector:


Give it a try at: