How can I get WiFi Network information (SSID) in a Phonegap app?

While WifiWizard is great, it seems that it's no longer being maintained on GitHub.

As a replacement, you can use WifiWizard2 which is under active development, as it supports the same methods:

cordova plugin add
WifiWizard2.getConnectedSSID(success, fail)
WifiWizard2.getConnectedBSSID(success, fail)
WifiWizard2.scan([options], success, fail)

WifiWizard2 seems to also support both Android and iOS.

However, if like me you also need to use the device's Hotspot or Wifi Tethering with Cordova, I recommend the cordova-hotspot-plugin package instead. The project is unfortunately discontinued; but for older Android API levels, it still seems to work.

This plugin supports a myriad of methods, full list available here.

There is this plugin for Android and iOS :

cordova plugin add wifiwizard

If you want to get the current SSID of the network you are connected to:

function ssidHandler(s) {
    alert("Current SSID"+s);

function fail(e) {

function getCurrentSSID() {
    WifiWizard.getCurrentSSID(ssidHandler, fail);

If you want to get the list of SSID you have configured before :

function listHandler(a) {

function getWifiList() {
   WifiWizard.listNetworks(listHandler, fail);

If you want to return a complete scan result :

function listHandler2(a) {

function getScanResult() {
    WifiWizard.getScanResults(listHandler2, fail);

To test:

<button onclick="getCurrentSSID()">Get Current SSID</button> 
<button onclick="getWifiList()">Get configured SSID list</button> 
<button onclick="getScanResult()">Get Scan result</button> 

Please see what you exactly need to get work from the list of the functions that the link I provided is offering and if you are encountering issues, reply.