How can i have text between brackets in equation with respect to some criterion?

(edited answer after noticing that I had misunderstood the OP's overall objective)

Something like this?

enter image description here

\newcolumntype{C}{>{{}}c<{{}}} % column type for binary and relational operator symbols
  \begin{tabular}{@{}p{#1\textwidth}@{}} % default width is 0.12\textwidth
  \itshape\Centering #2
\partial_t C 
& + & \partial_x u C + \partial_x v C 
& = & D_x \partial_{xx} C + D_y \partial_{yy} C 
& + & R(C) \\[2ex]
\mymat{Time rate of change of concentration of chemical component}
& + &
\mymat[0.1]{Term of advection of chemical component}
& = &
\mymat[0.1]{Change in component due to diffusion}
& + &
\mymat[0.14]{Rate of formation of component~$-$ Rate of consumption of component}

I guessing that you like text in square brackets related to above equation. For this people usual use something like this:

enter image description here

\usepackage{newtxtext,newtxmath} % optional

\underlabel{\partial_t C\mystrut}{Time rate of change of concentration of chemical component}
    \ + \ \underlabel{\partial_x u C + \partial_x v C\mystrut}{Term of advection of chemical component}
    \ = \ \underlabel[11em]{D_x \partial_{xx} C + D_y \partial_{yy} C}{Change in component due to diffusion}
    \ + \ \underlabel[11em]{R(C)\mystrut}{\tabcolsep=3pt
        \begin{tabular}{@{}m{5em} c m{5em} @{}}
                        Rate of formation of component
                        &$-$& Rate of consumption of component