How can I have two keystrokes to delete to either a slash or a word in zsh?
A similar question was asked here: zsh: stop backward-kill-word on directory delimiter
and a workable solution given: add these settings to your zshrc:
autoload -U select-word-style
select-word-style bash
Edit: The next google result after your question was this one with same solution : zsh: make ALT+BACKSPACE stop at non-alphanumeric characters
This answer was provided by /nick FoH
from #zsh on freenode.
backward-kill-dir () {
zle backward-kill-word
zle -N backward-kill-dir
bindkey '^[^?' backward-kill-dir
This way you can use ctrl+w
for deleting a Word (in vim lingo) and alt+bkspc
to delete a word
Expanding on JunkMechanic's answer, I wanted that
- existing zsh shortcuts (CtrlW, Ctrl← and Ctrl→) works as in zsh defaults
- Alt-based shortcuts (AltW, Alt← and Alt→) work similarly, but "finer grained", e.g. up to the closest
Here's what I use now:
# Alt+Backspace
backward-kill-dir () {
zle backward-kill-word
zle -N backward-kill-dir
bindkey '^[^?' backward-kill-dir
# Alt+Left
backward-word-dir () {
zle backward-word
zle -N backward-word-dir
bindkey "^[[1;3D" backward-word-dir
# Alt+Right
forward-word-dir () {
zle forward-word
zle -N forward-word-dir
bindkey "^[[1;3C" forward-word-dir