How can I highlight text in Calibre?

Looking through the official bug tracker it would appear that this features hasn't been implemented and there is no timeframe given for when it might get implemented, if ever!

Kovid Goyal (kovid) wrote on 2012-11-19: Re: calibre bug 1080721     #1
The calibre viewer currently does not have support for highlighting. It
is on my TODO list, but there is no time frame for when I will be able to
get to it.

 status wontfix

Changed in calibre:
status:  New → Won't Fix

This was the full list of tickets that contained the word "highlight" in them, nothing there indicated it would be getting implemented anytime soon.

There were other tickets such as this one too: [Enhancement] PDF to Kindle Highlighting.

Kovid Goyal (kovid) wrote on 2012-12-11: Re: calibre bug 1088580     #1
This is not worth the effort for me personally. If some one else wants to 
implement it, I will be happy to supply any needed guidance. If so, re-open
the ticket and we can discuss it.

 status wontfix

Changed in calibre:
status:  New → Won't Fix

And this one: Develop a highlighter for calibre ebook viewer on desktop PC.

Kovid Goyal (kovid) wrote on 2012-12-25: Re: calibre bug 1093554     #1
This is not worth the effort for me personally. If some one else wants to 
implement it, I will be happy to supply any needed guidance. If so, re-open 
the ticket and we can discuss it.

 status wontfix

Changed in calibre:
status:  New → Won't Fix

Hopefully you see the pattern here at this point. I would say if it's a feature that you absolutely want you have a couple of options. You could:

  1. take up Kovid Goyal's offer and try and code this yourself
  2. ask him if he'd be willing to implement it for a fee
  3. see if anyone else would be willing to code this up


