How can I include a subset of a .cpp file in a Doxygen comment?

EDITED to add 2nd arg to clip macro.

Here's what I've done, which seems to work for me. Mostly taken from hint from EricM....

my source file Time_Limiter_example.cpp is:

#include "stdafx.h"

#include "../types_lib/Time_Limiter.h"
#include <vector>

void tl_demo () {
    // scarce will be a gate to control some resource that shouldn't get called
    // more than 10 times a second
    Time_Limiter scarce (10);

    // here's a bunch of requests
    std::vector<int> req (500);

    for (size_t i=0;i<req.size ();i++) {
        scarce.tick ();
        // once we get here, we know that we haven't ticked
        // more than 10 times in the last second.

        // do something interesting with req[i]
} // endcode

void tl_demo_short () 
} //endcode

And I want to include it, but not have the #includes at the top.

I defined an ALIAS in my Doxyfile as:

ALIASES += clip{2}="\dontinclude \1 \n \skipline \2 \n \until endcode"

And in my header, my comment looks like this:

 * \ingroup types_lib
 * \class   Time_Limiter
 * \brief   Thread safe gate used to control a resource (such as an internet quote service) that has a limit on how often you can call it.
 * \clip{Time_Limiter_example.cpp,tl_demo}

And that does exactly what I want, including just the funciton tl_demo () from the .cpp file.

Something rather powerful is the snippet command. Say you have a function like this:

/*!@brief Factory
 * Creates sthg
sthg* Create();

And you would like to add a part of the file sthgTests/sthg_factory.cpp:

  • Edit sthgTests/sthg_factory.cpp and add a tag around the part of the code you would like to appear in the documentation (say using a tag named test_factory) like this:

    //! [test_factory]
    void test_factory()
      // code here
    //! [test_factory]
  • Then use the snippet command like this:

    /*!@brief Factory
     * Creates sthg
     * @snippet sthgTests/sthg_factory.cpp test_factory
    sthg* Create();

This approach is easy to setup and rather cheap to maintain.


