How can I indent verbatim blocks?

The package fancyvrb has the enhanced Verbatim environment, and the key xleftmargin:



\noindent A non-verbatim line
Some verbatim
\noindent Another line

enter image description here

Moreover, you can redefine the standard verbatim like this:



\noindent A non-verbatim line
Some verbatim
\noindent Another line

This gives the same result as above

The verbatim package has an internal interface that allows one to do this. One has to redefine \verbatim@processline, adding an \hspace command at its start:

\setlength\myverbindent{1in} % change this to change indentation

\noindent Unindented text followed by 1 inch indented verbatim:
verbatim \stuff
\and more stuff

\noindent Unindented text followed by .5 inch indented verbatim:
verbatim \stuff
\and more stuff



verbatim like most LaTeX display environments is a list environment, and one of the main reasons for that is so that they do the right thing when nested in other display environment such as quote (or a similar custom environment with different indentation).

enter image description here



X\dotfill X\\
X\dotfill X
X\dotfill X
X\dotfill X


