How can I instantiate a lambda closure type in C++11/14?

Although this feature is coming in C++20 (see songyuanyao's answer), you don't actually need that in this case. You can just pass the lambda as a function parameter of type FuncType and call that multiple times:

template <typename FuncType>
std::pair<int,int> DoSomething(FuncType f)
    return f(std::make_pair(1,1));

int main()
    auto myLambda = [](std::pair<int,int> x) {
        return std::make_pair(x.first*2,x.second*2);
    std::pair<int,int> res = DoSomething(myLambda);

I'm aware that there's no default constructor for lambda closure type.

Yes, this is true until C++20. (Note that since C++20 if no captures are specified, the closure type has a defaulted default constructor.)

Closure types are not DefaultConstructible. Closure types have a deleted (until C++14) no (since C++14) default constructor. (until C++20)


How does the standard library make it work when decltype(myLambda) is passed to something like std::map comparators in the template parameter?

There's nothing special for the standard library. If you specify a non-DefaultConstructible lambda as the comparator type for std::map, you have to pass an object to the constructor, std::map will initialized its comparator via copy; lambda has copy and move constructor.

You can change your code to the same way as std::map's constructor:

template <typename FuncType>
std::pair<int,int> DoSomething(const FuncType& f = FuncType()) {
    // auto z(f);   // you can take a copy if necessary
    return f(std::make_pair(1,1));


auto myLambda = [](std::pair<int,int> x) {
    return std::make_pair(x.first*2,x.second*2);
std::pair<int,int> res = DoSomething<decltype(myLambda)>(myLambda);


As others have pointed out, empty lambdas will become default-constructible in C++20.

You cannot wait for / switch to it?
No problem, it's easily emulated, as long as your lambda isn't generic.

Simply convert the lambda to a function-pointer, and pack that into a std::integral_constant:

template <class T>
constexpr auto make_constant(T t) noexcept
-> std::integral_constant<decltype(+t), +t>
{ return {}; }

Of course, in most cases where you can choose a function-objects type, you can also pass the initial value, which is a bit easier.