How can I iterate over a Perl array reference?

I believe that:

$self->{myArray} returns a reference.

You want to return the array:


$self->{myArray} is an array reference, not an array - you can't store actual arrays inside a hash, only references. Try this:

my $myArray = $self->{myArray};
for my $foo (@$myArray){
   # do something with $foo

You also may want to have a look at perldoc perlref.

$self->{myArray} is an array reference. You need to dereference it.

my @myArray = @{ $self->{myArray} };

In situations like this, the Data::Dumper module is very helpful. For example, if @myArray were not behaving as expected, you could run this code to reveal the problem.

use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper(\@myArray);