How can I make a slide rule in TikZ?

Logarithmic ticks can be easily plotted by iterating the function f[n,x]=n+log(x) for n>=0 and 1<=x<=9 where both n and x are integers.



\pstVerb{/I2P {AlgParser cvx exec} def}

    \foreach \n in {0,...,3}{%
        \foreach \i in {1,...,10}{% 10 (instead of 9) is used here to make sure the last line is drawn.
            \pstVerb{/xxx {{\f(\n,\i)} exec I2P} def}%
            \psline(!xxx -1)(!xxx 1)}}

enter image description here

Translation to TikZ



    \draw[blue] (0,0) -- (4,0);
    \foreach \n in {0,...,3}{%
        \foreach \i in {1,...,10}{% 10 (instead of 9) is used here to make sure the last line is drawn.
            \draw[red] ({\f(\n,\i)},-1) -- ({\f(\n,\i)},1);}}


Tikz Pgf