How can I make Chromium start full-screen under X?

Ok, with help from this thread I got it working. Although that poster said it didn't work, I edited .config/chromium/Default/Preferences and explicitly set the window size:


    // ...


    // ...

I wondered if maybe this had been set badly by the first load of the app not being fullscreen, but I tried deleting ~/.config and then loading it again, but it just recreated it with the left half of the screen. I guess I'll have to script loading Chromium, killing it, then rewriting that part of the file in my setup script! ;(

even simpler that tweaking ~/.config/chromium/Default/Preferences, just use --window-position=0,0 flag during chromium startup.

see Chromium Command Line Switches for full list of available chromium switches

Assuming your monitor is smaller then 7000px

chromium-browser --window-size=7000,7000 --start-fullscreen

This command will detect your screen height / width

Now you also can use it in a bash script:


chromium-browser --window-size=7000,7000 --start-fullscreen

and then run

startx /home/pi/

It will launch a fullscreen browser, from a non-gui terminal :D.


but for fun I tested a bash code to get the screen resolution, but you don't need it..

CMD="$(fbset -s | awk '$1 == "geometry" { print $2" "$3 }')"
echo "$CMD"