How can I make my class iterable so I can use foreach syntax?

Implement the Iterable interface. That means you need to implement a method that returns an Iterator object that will iterate over the elements of a BookList.

In this case, your iterator() method could just return the result of calling bList.iterator(). (That will cause for (Book b : somBookList) to iterate over the Book objects in the BookList.bList ... )

In other cases, you might need to write your own Iterator<T> implementation class, complete with T next(), boolean hasNext() and remove() methods. For instance, if you wanted to prevent external code from removing elements from the BookList via your iterator, you might implement it like this:

public class BookList implements Iterable<Book> {
    private final List<Book> bList = new ArrayList<Book>();
    public Iterator<Book> iterator() {
        return new Iterator<Book> () {
            private final Iterator<Book> iter = bList.iterator();

            public boolean hasNext() {
                return iter.hasNext();

            public Book next() {

            public void remove() {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("no changes allowed");

You need to implement the Iterable interface, which means you need to implement the iterator() method. In your case, this might look something like this:

public class BookList implements Iterable<Book> {
    private final List<Book> bList = new ArrayList<Book>();

    public Iterator<Book> iterator() {
        return bList.iterator();
