How can I make my simple .NET LRU cache faster?


This reduces the need for list traversal on a linked list Remove. It introduces a LruCacheNode that has both the key and the value. The key is only used when you trim the cache. You could get better performance if you wrote your own linked list implementation where each node essentially is an LruCacheNode along with a Next and Back reference. This is sort of what a LinkedHashMap does (see these two questions).

public class LruCache<K, V>
    private readonly int m_iMaxItems;
    private readonly Dictionary<K, LinkedListNode<LruCacheNode<K, V>>> m_oMainDict;
    private readonly LinkedList<LruCacheNode<K, V>> m_oMainList;

    public LruCache(int iSize)
        m_iMaxItems = iSize;
        m_oMainDict = new Dictionary<K, LinkedListNode<LruCacheNode<K, V>>>();
        m_oMainList = new LinkedList<LruCacheNode<K, V>>();

    public V this[K key]
            return BumpToFront(key).Value;
            BumpToFront(key).Value = value;

    public void Add(K key, V value)
        LinkedListNode<LruCacheNode<K, V>> newNode = m_oMainList.AddFirst(new LruCacheNode<K, V>(key, value));
        m_oMainDict.Add(key, newNode);

        if (m_oMainList.Count > m_iMaxItems)

    private LruCacheNode<K, V> BumpToFront(K key)
        LinkedListNode<LruCacheNode<K, V>> node = m_oMainDict[key];
        if (m_oMainList.First != node)
        return node.Value;

    public bool Contains(K key)
        return m_oMainDict.ContainsKey(key);

internal sealed class LruCacheNode<K, V>
    private readonly K m_Key;
    private V m_Value;

    public LruCacheNode(K key, V value)
        m_Key = key;
        m_Value = value;

    public K Key
        get { return m_Key; }

    public V Value
        get { return m_Value; }
        set { m_Value = value; }

You'll have to profile things to see if this is an improvement in your environment.

Minor Update: I updated BumpToFront to check to see if the node is already at the front per comment from Tim Stewart.