How can I make tmux use my default shell?
set-option -g default-shell /bin/zsh
in ~/.tmux.conf
or /etc/tmux.conf
. Works on Fedora.
You can reload the config with <leader>: source-file <conf file>
<C-b>: source-file ~/.tmux.conf
You would need to do it for every tmux instance. Otherwise you may restart tmux with killall tmux; tmux
First ensure your default shell is set properly to zsh via running this in your command line:
chsh -s $(`which zsh`) $USER
Placing the folloowing in your ~/.tmux.conf is a more robust option for any shell.
set-option -g default-shell $SHELL
Drop this line in the bottom of your ~/.tmux.conf
set-option -g default-command "reattach-to-user-namespace -l zsh"
After you add that, kill and restart your tmux server and all should work.