How can I pass complex objects as arguments to a RESTful service?

the best and simplest solution is to send your object as a json string and in server side implement a method which will decode that json and map to the specified object as per your need.. and yes it`s better to use POST.

The accepted answer is missing @BeanParam. See for further details. It allows you to define query params inside a wrapper object. E.g.

public class TestPOJO {

    private boolean someQueryParam;

    public boolean isSomeQueryParam() {
        return someQueryParam;

    public boolean setSomeQueryParam(boolean value) {
        this.someQueryParam = value;

... // inside the Resource class
public Response getTest(@BeanParam TestPOJO testPOJO) {

After digging a bit I quickly found out there are basically two options:

Option 1

You pass a "wrapper object" containing all the other parameters to the service. You might need to annotate this wrapper class with JAXB annotations like @XmlRootElement in order for this to work with the Jettison based provider, but if you use Jackson in stead there is no need. Just set the content type to the right type and the right message body reader will be invoked. This will only work for POST type services of course (AFAIK).


This is just an example of turning the service mentioned in the original question into one using a wrapper object.

class RestService {

    public Result fooBar(

          * Using "" will inject all form params directly into a ParamsWrapper 
          * @see
          @FormParam("") FooBarParamsWrapper wrapper

        ) throws WebServiceException {

class ParamsWrapper {
  double foo, bar;
  MyComplexObject object;

Option 2

You can provide some special string format that you pack your objects into and then implement either a constructor taking a string, a static valueOf(String s) or a static fromString(String s) in the class that will take this string and create an object from it. Or quite similar, create a ParameterHandler that does exactly the same.

AFAIK, only the second version will allow you to call your services from a browser using JSONP (since JSONP is a trick restricted to GET). I chose this route to be able to pass arrays of complex objects in the URI.

As an example of how this works, take the following domain class and service


public void myService(@QueryParam("a") MyClass [] myVals) {
    //do something

class MyClass {
    public int foo;
    public int bar;

   /** Deserializes an Object of class MyClass from its JSON representation */
   public static MyClass fromString(String jsonRepresentation) {
           ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); //Jackson's JSON marshaller
           MyClass o= null;
           try {
                   o = mapper.readValue(jsonRepresentation, MyClass.class );
           } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new WebApplicationException()
           return o;

A URI{"foo":1, "bar":2}&a={"foo":100, "bar":200} would in this case be deserialized into an array composed of two MyClass objects.

2019 comment: Seeing that this answer still gets some hits in 2019, I feel I should comment. In hindsight, I would not recomment option 2, as going through these steps just to be able to be able to do GET calls adds complexity that's probably not worth it. If your service takes such complex input, you will probably not be able to utilize client side caching anyway, due to the number of permutations of your input. I'd just go for configuring proper Cross-Origin-Sharing (CORS) headers on the server and POST the input. Then focus on caching whatever you can on the server.