How can i pass parameters to a Symfony2 Twig block?
There is an update to the include tag in Symfony 2.2 which might help you with this. Here's an example of the new tag:
{{ include('FTWGuildBundle:Help:popover.html.twig', {'content':helpContent,'title':helpTitle}) }}
This may be what you need, since it avoids having to do a sub-request to a controller (render
does this) it will be better performing.
In my example, I'm including the HTML for a help popover and providing the title and content.
Now with Symfony v2+ (3, 4 & 5, since Twig v1.28.0), we can use a custom template on the block()
function using the with
{% with {
'myVar1': myValue1,
'myVar2': myValue2
{{ block('toolbar', myTemplate) }}
{% endwith %}