How can I play a mp4 movie using Moviepy and Pygame
First: you can use
import moviepy
to find source code and see how it works.
After searching in source code you will see that it uses pygame
to display it and you can try to use pygame function set_caption()
to change title.
from moviepy.editor import *
import pygame
pygame.display.set_caption('Hello World!')
clip = VideoFileClip('video.mp4')
Have you tried converting from mp4 to the .mpg file format (MPEG-1 video, MPEG-1 Audio Layer III (MP3) sound) using ffmpeg
video conversion program (
ffmpeg -i <infile> -vcodec mpeg1video -acodec libmp3lame -intra <outfile.mpg>
(Pygame can playback video and audio from basic encoded MPEG-1 video files)