How can I put two boxes right next to each other that have the exact same size?
Small variation of @SebGlav abswer:
node distance = 0pt,
square/.style = {draw=blue!60, fill=blue!5, very thick,
minimum height=1.2em, minimum width=3em, % <---
outer sep=0pt}, % <---
\node[square] (maintopic) {2};
\node[square, right=of maintopic] (mynode) {123};
Play with positioning
abilities and nodes anchor
squarednode/.style={rectangle, draw=blue!60, fill=blue!5, very thick, minimum width=\nodewidth},
\node[squarednode] (maintopic) {2};
\node[squarednode] (mynode) [right= 0.5*\nodewidth of,anchor=west] {123};
\node[squarednode,below=1cm of] (maintopic2) {2};
\node[squarednode] (mynode2) [right= 0.5*\nodewidth of,anchor=west] {123};
If you want square nodes, use geometry.shape
regular polyogon
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, shapes.geometric}
squarednode/.style={regular polygon, regular polygon sides=4,
draw=blue!60, fill=blue!5, very thick, minimum size=15mm, inner sep=0pt},
\node[squarednode](maintopic) {2};
\node[squarednode, anchor=west](mynode) at (maintopic.east) {123};
%Connections (which ones? they are close together...
\draw[] (maintopic) (mynode);
BTW, there is no such a key as exact size
To set the color you can pass an argument to a style:
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, shapes.geometric}
squarednode/.style={regular polygon, regular polygon sides=4,
draw=#1!60, fill=#1!5, very thick, minimum size=15mm, inner sep=0pt},
\node[squarednode=red](maintopic) {2};
\node[squarednode, anchor=west](mynode) at (maintopic.east) {123};
%Connections (which ones? they are close together...
\draw[] (maintopic) (mynode);