How can I read input from the hosts keyboard when connected via SSH?
This hacked together script works for me for now:
import string
from evdev import InputDevice
from select import select
keys = "X^1234567890XXXXqwertzuiopXXXXasdfghjklXXXXXyxcvbnmXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
dev = InputDevice('/dev/input/by-id/usb-HID_OMNIKEY_5127_CK_01010053423438303000835748112531-event-kbd')
while True:
r,w,x = select([dev], [], [])
for event in
if event.type==1 and event.value==1:
print( keys[ event.code ] )
It uses python-evdev to read from /dev/input/foo
and very dirtyly converts them to readable values.
This is what I get when I run the script and connect a card to the reader:
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ python
Here is a simple hack to make it work easily until the next boot, assuming you have the required privileges.
Using the following command shows all processes running on the computer
ps -ef
To find the PID of the login/getty process from where the keyboard is currently read, we can pass the results of this function through grep.
ps -ef | grep tty
You could see something like
root 23698 1 0 18:17 ttyO0 00:00:00 /sbin/getty -L ttyO0 115200 vt102
Take note of the number in the second column - that is the PID. And the sixth column, which is where the keyboard is.
To halt that process, use the following command (substituting the number for whatever your PID is)
kill -stop 23698
Now, you can read the tty from where the keyboard keys are coming (tty is shown in the ps command)
cat /dev/ttyO0
The cat
will read forever, outputting whatever is entered on the keyboard, until you kill it.
When you're done, and want to return to normal behaviour, you can resume the keyboard function with
kill -cont 23698
Of course that outlines the general idea. You could use your own program to read from the tty.
Had to do this recently for a Hackathon, so I figured I would contribute what we ended up doing.
Set up autologin as root on tty1 (the main terminal where the keyboard device is dumping its input). The Arch Linux wiki entry has good instructions. Reboot to get it to log in.
Copy the source of a small program known as 'ttyEcho'. One copy can be found here, but a Google search brings up many more. This program allows you to echo commands to another terminal. Compile on the target machine.
Now that we can run whatever on /dev/tty1, we just can just
./ttyEcho -n /dev/tty1 'cat > buffer'
to get everything input on tty1 to be added to a file. Instead of making an ever expanding file, usemkfifo buffer
first to generate a special file which is just a named pipe - a FIFO queue which is backed by memory only.From your SSH session you can now just
tail -f filename
to watch all keyboard input on tty1. From within python,open('filename','r')
and keep
on it to get the feed of keyboard data as it comes in.
This method was great for us since it avoids keyboard scancode parsing, and keeps a nice big buffer of the data without any code.