How can I remove a tag from npm?

Just to confirm, that (in private repo's in verdaccio), you CAN unpublish tags like this:

npm unpublish <name>[@<version>]

Which translates to (for instance):

npm unpublish @yourdomain/[email protected]

This will delete the relevant tag.

It was not possible to remove dist-tags from the npm registry prior to [email protected]. There is now a command-line syntax for this, provided you update to a new version of npm -- see for full details on upgrading.

Install latest version of npm

npm install -g npm    # most common way to upgrade

Clear a tag that is no longer in use from the package.

npm dist-tag rm <pkg> <tag>

master may be in your npm config.

check what this gives:

npm config get tag

To get back to use latest, this should do:

npm config set tag latest

An other possibility is to un-publish the version with the master tag using:

npm unpublish <name>[@<version>]

this is likely to remove the tag in dist-tags (but since I haven't tried, not certain).

