How can I remove Endermen from the game?
Yes. There are mods to completely remove Endermen and others that disable their ability to pick up blocks.
There's a built-in server command to stop the picking-up blocks portion.
Type this in the server window, if you're running the server:
gamerule mobGriefing false
Or type this in the game chat window, if you're an op (or single-player, I believe):
/gamerule mobGriefing false
This will also stop Creeper explosions from damaging blocks.
However, this will not remove Enderman, so there is still the noise issue.
You can also use (in the newest Minecraft snapshots) this command blocks.
You make a clock and place a command block to the side of the redstone, with this command.
/kill @e[type=Enderman]
He kills every Enderman in the game.