How can I remove event hub partitions from Azure blob storage through code?

I got this to work in the end.

This is really just deleting blobs from a storage account with a slight twist.

First, when creating your IEventProcessor objects, you need to store away their lease information:

    Task IEventProcessor.OpenAsync(PartitionContext context)
        return Task.FromResult<object>(null);

Where "Singleton" is just a singleton object I have created where multiple threads can dump their information. Singleton's 'Add Lease' implementation:

    public void AddLease(Lease l)
        if (!PartitionIdToLease.ContainsKey(l.PartitionId))
            PartitionIdToLease.Add(l.PartitionId, l.Token);
            PartitionIdToLease[l.PartitionId] = l.Token;

Where 'PartitionIdToLease' is a

Dictionary<string, string>

Now, the delete code:

CloudStorageAccount acc = CloudStorageAccount.Parse("Your Storage Account Connection String");
CloudBlobClient client = acc.CreateCloudBlobClient();
CloudBlobContainer container = client.GetContainerReference("Name of Event Hub");
CloudBlobDirectory directory = container.GetDirectoryReference("Name of Folder");

foreach (IListBlobItem item in directory.ListBlobs())
            if (item is CloudBlockBlob)
                CloudBlockBlob cb = item as CloudBlockBlob;
                AccessCondition ac = new AccessCondition();
                string partitionNumber = cb.Name.Substring(cb.Name.IndexOf('/') + 1); //We want the name of the file only, and cb.Name gives us "Folder/Name"

                ac.LeaseId = Singleton.Instance.PartitionIdToLease[partitionNumber];


So now every time my application closes, it is responsible for deleting the junk it generated in the storage account.

Hope this helps someone