How can I render a tree structure (recursive) using a django template?

Using with template tag, I could do tree/recursive list.

Sample code:

main template: assuming 'all_root_elems' is list of one or more root of tree

{%for node in all_root_elems %} 
    {%include "tree_view_template.html" %}

tree_view_template.html renders the nested ul, li and uses node template variable as below:

<li> {{}}
    {%if node.has_childs %}
         {%for ch in node.all_childs %}
              {%with node=ch template_name="tree_view_template.html" %}
                   {%include template_name%}

I'm too late.
All of you use so much unnecessary with tags, this is how I do recursive:

In the "main" template:

<!-- lets say that menu_list is already defined -->
    {% include "menu.html" %}

Then in menu.html:

{% for menu in menu_list %}
        {{ }}
        {% if menu.submenus|length %}
                {% include "menu.html" with menu_list=menu.submenus %}
        {% endif %}
{% endfor %}


