How can I Resync a fork from original

By design, forking a project creates a separate repo that is not updated when the original repo changes. However, git makes it pretty easy to update manually.

You need the help of a 3rd repository (your local copy suffices). There are 3 repos:

  • "Upstream": The upstream project's repository on Github.
  • "Origin": Your fork's repository on Github
  • "Local": Your local repository on your computer. I will assume you created it by cloning Fork using git clone [email protected]:your-username/projectname.git, and that everyone is using branch master.

Assuming currently "Origin" and "Local" are in the same state, and "Upstream" is ahead by 1 or more commits (the merge and any subsequent changes).

First add the upstream project as a Git remote:

git remote add upstream

Then pull (meaning fetch and then merge automatically) the changes from the remote's master branch into your local repository's current (master) branch:

git pull upstream master

Now your local repository is in sync with upstream. Finally, push your local repo to your Github fork:

git push origin master

Now everything is in sync.