How can I retrieve the instrumentation key for an Application Insights instance in an Azure Resource Group Template?

After some digging and experimenting, this is what I found works:

"outputs": {
    "MyAppInsightsInstrumentationKey": {
        "value": "[reference(resourceId('Microsoft.Insights/components', variables('myAppInsightsInstanceName')), '2014-04-01').InstrumentationKey]",
        "type": "string"

Instrumentation Key belongs to resource, you can find it in Azure Resource manager template. If you want to find Instrumentation Key, you need to define ResourceType to Microsoft.Insights/components. Try the below code:

$resourcevalue=Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName Default-ApplicationInsights-*** -ResourceType Microsoft.Insights/components -ResourceName **hdinsights -ApiVersion 2015-05-01 $resourcevalue.Properties.InstrumentationKey