How can I run a specific line as a command in a text file?
Try this:
sed -n 'line_num p' | bash
or, if the command does not contain whitespace,
"$(sed -n 'line_num p')"
If you're doing this interactively, you could write the line into the bash history:
history -s "$(sed -n 'line_num p')"
Then press ↑Enter to insert the line into the readline buffer, and execute it; that gives you a chance to glance at the line before it's too late.
You can do...
{ head -n"$((NUM-1))"; IFS= read -r line; } </path/to/script >/dev/null
eval "$line"
That will get only the $NUM
line from your script in the shell variable $line
and then evaluate it as a command in the current shell.
Another way to do this could look like:
</path/to/script sed "${NUM}q;d" >/tmp/"$$"
. /tmp/"$$" ; rm /tmp/"$$"