How can I search a wild card name in all subfolders?

You can use find. If, for example, you wanted to find all files and directories that had abcd in the filename, you could run:

find . -name '*abcd*'


ls -ld -- **/*abcd*


set -o globstar     # put this line in your ~/.kshrc
ls -ld -- **/*abcd*

Bash ≥4:

shopt -s globstar   # put this line in your ~/.bashrc
ls -ld -- **/*abcd*


set -o extendedglob # put this line in your ~/.yashrc
ls -ld -- **/*abcd*


set globstar
ls -ld -- **/*abcd*


ls -ld -- **abcd*

(beware some of those shells will follow symlinks when descending the directory tree; some of those that don't like zsh, yash or tcsh have ***/*abcd* to do it).

Portable (except to very old systems; OpenBSD took a long time but finally supports exec … + since 5.1):

find . -name '*abcd*' -exec ls -ld {} +

Not POSIX but works on *BSD, Linux, Cygwin, BusyBox:

find . -name '*abcd*' -print0 | xargs -0 ls -ld

Note that except in some BSDs, if no matching file is found, ls -ld will be run without arguments, so will list .. With some xargs implementations, you can use the -r option to work around that.