How can I select rows from a hierarchical query with the lowest level?

If you have an hierarchical query that produces the whole tree under the root node, that also has a level column computed, you can wrap it in a derived table or cte and use the window aggregate:

WITH query AS
  ( SELECT <columns list>, level
  -- your query here
  ) ,
cte AS 
  ( SELECT <columns list>, level,
           MIN(the_level) OVER () AS min_level
    FROM query
    WHERE <conditions>
FROM cte
WHERE min_level = level ;

You could put the hierarchical query in a subquery and user an analytic function and windowing to figure out the first match. If you table looked like:

create table t42 (id number, parent_id number, flag varchar2(1),
  str varchar2(20));

Then this gets the result you want, I think:

select, t.parent_id, t.flag, t.str
from (
  select t.*, min(lvl) over (partition by flag) as min_lvl
  from (
    select t.*, level as lvl
    from t42 t
    start with parent_id is null
    connect by prior id = parent_id
  ) t
) t
where lvl = min_lvl
and flag = '<something>';

... where flag would really be the column(s) for your predicate(s).

Or you could use rank or dense_rank:

select, t.parent_id, t.flag, t.str
from (
  select t.*, rank() over (partition by flag order by lvl) as rn
  from (
  ) t
) t
where rn = 1
and flag = '<something>';

SQL Fiddle.

Or a slightly tweaked version based on @ypercube's simplification on DBA:

select, t.parent_id, t.flag, t.str
from (
  select t.*, dense_rank() over (order by lvl) as rn
  from (
  ) t
  where flag = '<something>'
) t
where rn = 1;

SQL Fiddle.