How can I send JSON-formatted cookie data using Python on Google App Engine?

I also wanted to read a cookie (that had been set on the server) on the client. I worked around the issue by base64 encoding the JSON String, however there are a few small gotchas involved with this approach as well.

1: Base64 strings end with 0-2 equal signs, and these were being converted into the string \075. My approach is to revert those characters into equal characters on the client.

2: The base64 string is being enclosed in double quote characters in the cookie. I remove these on the client.


nav_json = json.dumps(nav_data)
self.response.set_cookie('nav_data', nav_b64)


var user_data_base64= $.cookie('nav_data');
// remove quotes from around the string
user_data_base64 = user_data_base64.replace(/"/g,"");
// replace \075 with =
user_data_base64 = user_data_base64.replace(/\\075/g,"=");
var user_data_encoded=$.base64.decode( user_data_base64 );
var user_data = $.parseJSON(user_data_encoded);

I am using 2 jquery plugins here: and

Note: I consider this a hack: It would be better to re-implement the python code that encodes the cookie in javascript, however this also has the downside that you would need to notice and port and changes to that code.

I have now moved to a solution where I use a small html file to set the cookie on the client side and then redirect to the actual page requested. Here is a snippet from the JINJA2 template that I am using:

<script type="text/javascript">
var nav_data='{% autoescape false %}{{nav_data}}{% endautoescape %}';
$.cookie('nav_data', nav_data, { path: '/' });

Note 2: Cookies are not ideal for my use case and I will probably move on to Session or Local Storage to reduce network overhead (although my nav_data is quite small - a dozen characters or so.)

On the Python side:

  1. json.dumps the string
  2. escape spaces - just call .replace(' ', '%20')
  3. Call urllib.parse.quote_plus() then write the string to the cookie

On the JavaScript side:

  1. read the cookie
  2. pass it through decodeURIComponent()
  3. JSON.parse it

This seems to be the cleanest way I've found.